Scientific Calendar Event


An ICTP Meeting

The fifth edition of “Youth in high dimensions” will give to young researchers the opportunity to gather and present recent results on high-dimensional statistical problems, in areas ranging from machine learning and inference to neuroscience or statistical physics.

Typical problems in high-dimensions include estimating noisy signals (compressed sensing, PCA and tensor decomposition), analysing (deep) neural-networks, detecting communities in large networks, or modelling disordered spin systems. These seemingly unrelated problems share many similarities in their phenomenology and in the tools used to analyse them. The core of the field is made of a very active, diverse and quickly expanding community of physicists, computer scientists, mathematicians, information theorists and engineers, with the common desire to tackle increasingly challenging problems at the forefront of data science.

This conference aims at reinforcing the links among this interdisciplinary community, and in particular of its youngest theory-oriented members, and to bring forward the latest development happening in the high-dimensional world.

  • High-dimensional statistics
  • Statistical physics
  • Machine learning
  • Computational neuroscience
  • Complex systems
  • Machine learning for science
  • Statistical inference
A. BODIN, EPFL, Switzerland
N. BOFFI, New York University, USA
S. CHEWI, Institute for Advanced Study, USA
D. CLARK, Columbia University, USA
H. CUI, EPFL, Switzerland
F. GUTH, New York University, USA
Y. LI, Harvard University, USA
C. PAQUETTE, McGill University, Canada
H. PINSON, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
I. SEROUSSI, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
L. STEPHAN, EPFL, Switzerland
F. VARGAS, University of Cambridge, UK
D. WU, New York University, USA
Y. WU, University of Pennsylvania, USA

The following activity to be held from 27 to 31 May 2024 may also be of interest for you: Advanced School on Applied Machine Learning

Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
Go to day
  • Monday, 20 May 2024
    • 08:30 - 09:00
      • 08:30 Registration and administrative formalities 30'
        Upon arrival, Visitors not staying in the ICTP Guest Houses, are kindly requested to complete registration formalities at the Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level). The Registration Desk will be open from 8.30 to 9.00
    • 09:00 - 17:45
      • 09:00 Opening remarks 30'
        Speaker: Marylou Therese GABRIE (École Polytechnique, France), Sebastian GOLDT (SISSA, Italy), Marco MONDELLI (ISTA, Austria), Jean BARBIER (ICTP, Italy)
      • 09:30 SGD-LT (1) 1h0'
        Chairperson: Sebastian GOLDT (Sissa, Italy) 
        Speaker: Ludovic Théo STEPHAN (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Hannah PINSON (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
        Material: Abstract
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Stat-mech NN 1h30'
        Chairperson: Marylou GABRIE (École Polytechnique, France)
        Speaker: Hugo Chao CUI (EPFL, Switzerland), David CLARK (Columbia University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 14:00 Diffusion & Sampling (1) 2h15'
        Chairperson: Marco MONDELLI (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
        Speaker: Nicholas BOFFI (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA), Francisco VARGAS (University of Cambridge, UK), Zara KADKHODAIE (New York University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 16:15 Coffee Break 30'
      • 16:45 Poster presentations 1h0'
  • Tuesday, 21 May 2024
    • 09:00 - 16:15
      • 09:00 SGD-LT (2) 1h30'
        Chairperson: Jean BARBIER (ICTP, Italy)
        Speaker: Inbar SEROUSSI (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Denny WU (New York University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Contributed Talks 1h30'
        Chairperson: Sebastian GOLDT (Sissa, Italy) 
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 14:00 High-d stats 2h15'
        Chairperson: Marylou GABRIE (École Polytechnique, France)
        Speaker: Daria TIEPLOVA (ICTP, Italy), Antoine BODIN (EPFL, Switzerland), Yufan LI (Harvard University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
  • Wednesday, 22 May 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:45
      • 09:00 Contributed Talks 20'
        Chairperson: Marco MONDELLI (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Discussion 1h30'
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30'
      • 14:00 SGD-LT (3) 2h15'
        Chairperson: Jean BARBIER (ICTP, Italy)
        Speaker: Hadi DANESHMAND (MIT, USA), Omar MONTASSER (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA), Courtney PAQUETTE (McGill University, Canada)
        Material: Abstract
      • 16:15 Group Photo 5'
      • 16:20 Coffee Break 25'
      • 16:45 Discussion 1h0'
  • Thursday, 23 May 2024
    • 09:00 - 14:00
      • 09:00 SGD-LT (4) 1h30'
        Chairperson: Marylou GABRIE (École Polytechnique, France)
        Speaker: Alex SHEVCHENKO (ISTA, Austria), Florentin GUTH (New York University, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30'
      • 11:00 Diffusion & Sampling (2) 1h30'
        Chairperson: Sebastian GOLDT (Sissa, Italy) 
        Speaker: Yuchen WU (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Sinho CHHEWI (Institute for Advanced Study, USA)
        Material: Abstract
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30'
    • 16:30 - 20:30
      • 16:30 Hike & Welcome reception 4h0'
  • Friday, 24 May 2024
    • 12:00 - 14:00
      • 12:00 Discussion 2h0'
      • 12:00 Lunch Break 2h0'