Scientific Calendar Event

In the application OU Certificate for chosen track, OU Certificate for Political Economy and supporting documents are mandatory
The Energy Modelling Platform – Joint Global Training School 2024 (EMP-G) will be held from 12th to 23rd August. Hosted by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), this is a fantastic opportunity to get free training, access to discussion forums, and coaching skills in models and tools for all of your energy planning needs. Before the beginning of the event on 12th August, there will be a one-week advance tool training, from 5th to the 9th of August. 
There are nine tracks listed below, each focusing on different tools. Note, that for any track that you apply for, you must complete the Open University course of your one desired track and obtain a certificate, attaching it as a part of your application to the EMP-G (see this link to the courses and video instructions on webpage). Additionally, regardless of what track you apply for, you must also complete the Open University course on Political Economy and obtain a certification, attaching it as a part of your application to the EMP-G. The tracks are developed with UNDESA, IAEA, UNDP, IRENA, The World Bank Group, SEforALL, WRI, Imperial College London, the OpTIMUS community of practice, several universities, and the Climate Compatible Growth (#CCG) programme.
The EMP-G is split into two parts: 
- (1) you will be trained in the tool you applied for, further building your skills on top of what you learnt in the Open University course; 
        - Online – 5th to 9th of August
- (2) you will use your new skills to conduct analyses on country-specific case studies, with assistance being provided from trainers. 
       - In-person – 12th to 23rd August 
The only exception to the above seeting is the “Electricity Transition Playbook”, which is a weeklong interactive course focused on guiding your country through an energy transition, taking part in the last week of the EMP-G (19th to 23rd of August). 
There is no fee to attend, however competition for the limited spots is high.
Please see programme overview at the bottom of this page.
You will receive an ICTP certificate on attendance and successful completion of EMP-G (obtained after attending EMP-G).
  • OnSSET/The Global Electrification Platform
  • Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool
  • Financial Analysis of Power Sector Projects using the FinPlan Model
  • Energy demand assessment and scenarios: MAED and EBS tools
  • Introduction to CLEWs
  • Energy Access Explorer: A Data-driven, Integrated and Inclusive Energy Planning
  • The Electricity Transition Playbook 
  • Geospatial data, best practices for collection and management 
  • Geospatial Clean Cooking access modelling, using OnStove 
For detailed description of the different tracks, click here.
Prerequisites: The prerequisites to be admitted to EMP-G are provided at the bottom of this page.
Computer & connection requirements: Note that participants will require a computer with stable internet access to participate in the training. It is recommended that participants have at least 8 GB of RAM and a relatively new computer. Nonetheless, specific tracks have additional computer requirements:
- Energy and Flexibility Modelling: OSeMOSYS & FlexTool: Windows 10 computer with Access Database OR Mac OS, 8GB RAM, MS Office.
- Introduction to CLEWs: Windows 10 computer, 8GB RAM.
For selected applicants the Induction Session will be held on the 2nd of August, from 11:00 GMT to 15:00 GMT.
Registration: There is no registration fee. However, competition for space is very high and limited.

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