The series is scheduled primarily on Fridays, offering presentations from foremost experts in mathematics and high-energy physics. Our goal is to create a space for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas and to share groundbreaking research findings, presented in an educational and accessible manner.
We cordially extend an invitation to Latin American students, academicians, and researchers to join us in these exciting sessions.
For details regarding the seminar series, including a schedule of upcoming seminars, please visit our website. The list of forthcoming presentations can be found there as well (please scroll down for more information). Previous seminar series: Math & HEP 2023
To see the entire and updated list of speakers please visit
Juan Maldacena, IAS - The Quantum Origin of Primordial Cosmological Fluctuations
(Inaugural Seminar: Wednesday 17 January 2023. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Cari Cesarotti, MIT - Beyond Standard Model
(Date: Thursday 18 January 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Chien-Yeah Seng, Washington University - Chiral Perturbation Theory
(Date: Friday 19 January 2024. Time: 17-19 GMT-4)
Margarita Garcia Perez, IFT Madrid - Lattice QFT
(Date: Monday 29 January 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Maria Belen Gavela, IFT-Madrid - Flavour Physics y Axions
(Date: Martes 23 January 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Luis Álvarez-Gaumé, Director of Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook - El discreto encanto de la simetría
(Date: Tuesday 30 Jan. & 25 Feb. 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Mahan Mj, TIFR, Mumbai - Dimensions 1,2,3,4,..
(Date: Thursday 25 Feb 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Silvia Penati, Milan Bicocca University - Supersymmetry
(Mini-course in February 2024)
Fernando Febres Cordero, Florida State University - Modern Methods for Precise Calculations of Scattering Amplitudes
(Date: 29 Feb . & 14 Mar. 2024. Time: 11-13 GMT-4)
Inaki Garcia Etxebarria, Durham University - Anomalies and Generalized Global Symmetries
(Mini-course in March 2024)
Suvrat Raju, ICTS-TIFR - Current status on black holes and Information Paradox
(Mini-course in March 2024)
Guillermo Silva, La Plata University - Matrix Models, Large N & Strings
(Mini-course in April 2024)
Eduardo Martin-Martinez, IQC & Perimeter - Quantum Energy Teleportation
(Date: Tuesday 14 May 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Steven H. Simon, Oxford University - Anyons, Topologically Ordered Matter and Why You Should be Interested
(Date: Tuesday 21 May 2024. Time: 9-10 am GMT-4)
Robert Myers, Director Perimeter Institute- Quantum complexity and Holography
(Date: Tuesday 28 May 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Pavel Putrov, ICTP - Algebraic Topology in Physics
(Mini-course in May/April 2024)
Natalie M. Paquette, Washington University - Twists of supersymmetric theories, & applications
(Date: Friday 31 May 2024. Time: 12-14 GMT-4)
David Berenstein, UC Santa Barbara- Aspects of the particle-operator (extrapolate) dictionary in AdS/CFT
(Date: Tuesday 4 June 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Satoshi Nawata, Fudan University - Branes and Representations of Double Affine Hecke Algebras
(Date: Friday 14 June 2024. Time: 9-11am GMT-4)
Susan Sierra, U. Edinburgh - One and two-sided ideals in enveloping algebras of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
(Date: Tuesday 9 July 2024, Time: 9-11 GMT-4)
Valerio Toledano Laredo, Northeastern University- Braid Groups, Differential Equations, and Quantum Groups
(Date: Friday 12 July 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Johanna Erdmenger, University of Würzburg - Applications of AdS/CFT to Condensed Matter Systems
(Date: Tuesday 16 July 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Alexander Altland, U. Cologne - A short introduction to Lattice Gauge Theory
(Date: Friday 19 July 2024, Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Hiraku Nakajima, kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo - Quivers Varieties
(Date: Thursday 25 July 2024. Time: 7-9 pm GMT-4)
Anton Fonarev, Steklov Mathematical Institute - Cohomology in Algebraic Geometry
(Mini-course in July 2024)
Veronika Hubeny, UC Davis - Recent Developments on Holographic Entanglement Entropy
(Date: Tuesday 30 July 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Jethro van Ekeren, IMPA - Notions of Vertex Algebra
(Date: Friday 02 August 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Jacob Kryczka, BIMSA - Derived Geometry and Nonlinear PDEs
(Date: 07 & 09 August 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Jan de Boer, U. of Amsterdam - Wormholes and Averaging
(Date: Tuesday 13 August 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Elias Okon, UNAM - Current Status of the Measurement Problem
(Date: Friday 16 August 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4 GMT-4)
Reimundo Heluani, IMPA - Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves
(Date: Friday 30 August 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Song Wei, YMSC, Tsinghua University - Singularity Theorems
(Date: Monday 2 September 2024. Time: 21-23 GMT-4)
Eran Palti, Ben Gurion U. of Negev- Non-perturbative Topological String Theory on compact Calabi-Yau manifolds from M-theory
(Date: 13, 17 September 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Eirik Svanes, Stavanger University - Introduction to Topological Quantum Field Theories
(Date: Friday 27 September 2024. Time: 09-11 GMT-4)
Parameswaran Ajith, ICTS-TIFR - Gravitational Waves
(Mini-course in October 2024)
Spencer Bloch, Chicago University - Limits of heights
(Mini-course in October 2024)
Atish Dabholkar, Director of ICTP - Quantum Black Holes and Number Theory
(Date: Friday 11 October 2024. Time: 09-11 GMT-4)
Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University - Solving a clock puzzle with Mirror Symmetry
(Date: 22, 24 October 2024. Time: 10-12 am GMT-4)
Albrecht Klemm, Bonn University - Application of Calabi-Yau periods in scattering amplitudes
(Date: 22, 24 October 2024. Time: 10-12 am GMT-4)
Johanna Knapp, The University of Melbourne - The Physical Mathematics of Gauged Linear Sigma Models
(Mini-course in October 2024)
Adam Pound, Universidad of Southampton - How to model asymmetric binaries using black hole perturbation theory and gravitational self-force
(Date: 1 November 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Mohamed Elmi, YMSC, Tsinghua University - Local Zeta Functions and Black Holes in String Theory
(Date: 1 November 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Tadashi Takayanagi, Kyoto University - Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insights
(Mini-course in November 2024)
Enrico Pajer, DAMTP, University of Cambridge - Cosmological Correlators
(Date: 14, 15 November 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Matt Kerr, Washington university - K2 of Curves and Physics
(Date: 21 November 2024. Time: 8:30-11 am GMT-4)
Andrea Puhm, University of Amsterdam - The Black Hole -- String Correspondence
(Date: Friday 22 November 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Miguel Montero, IFT-Madrid - Introduction to the Swampland
(Mini-course in November)
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu, Columbia University - A-model Topological String Theory
(Mini-course in November)
Bianca Dittrich, Perimeter Institute - Quantum Gravity and Quantum Spacetime (in 3D)
(Date: Thursday 5 December 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Yukinobu Toda, Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo - Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants
(Mini-course in December)
Myriam Mondragon Ceballos, UNAM - Symmetries, extensions of the Standard Model and Astroparticles
(Date: Thursday 12 December 2024. Time: 12-14 GMT-4)
Kasia Rejzner, University of York - Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
(Monday 16 December 2024. Time: 10-12 GMT-4)
Rachel Webb, Cornell University - GIT, Stacks, and Quasimap Theory
(Mini-course in December)
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University)
Jiaxi Cao (Jesse), Stony Brook University
Project Director
Daniel Galviz, YMSC (Tsinghua University)