Scientific Calendar Event

Description The 2024 School on Numerical Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems will be held in central department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal from 25/07/2024 to 31/07/2024.

The school aims to train Masters level physics students in Nepal in advanced numerical methods in quantum many-body physics. A 100 percent attendance is mandatory to successfully complete the school, participants successfully completing the school will receive ICTP-PWF certificate at the end of the school.

Our goal is to train students to employ computational methods such as Exact Diagonalization and Tensor Network algorithms through a compact course comprised of both theory and hands-on lectures.

In parallel, this course will also teach students to write efficient scientific codes to solve problems related to many-body physics. The course comprises of both chalkboard lectures and hands-on sessions.

On successfully completing the school participant are will gain the following skills:
- Master the basics concepts of quantum spin chains: spin-1/2 (a.k.a. qubits), Hilbert space, quantum many-body wave function and its representation, Pauli operators, spin chain hamil-tonian, commonly used spin chain models (transverse field Ising model, Heisenberg model, XXZ model, etc);
- Ability to perform exact diagonalization of short range spin-1/2 hamiltonian with basic symmetries, like particle number conservation and translation invariance;
- Understand the fundamental aspects of tensors network techniques: representation of the wave function of one dimensional spin system as Matrix Product States (MPS), operators as Matrix Product Operators (MPO), using these representations in basic algorithms, as for instance Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) and Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD);
- Ability to write efficient codes for to solve scientific problems.

The call for applications is currently open here.


Project Coordinator : Nishan Ranabhat
University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute

Local Coordinator : Narayan Adhikari
Professor, Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University.
Senior Associate, ICTP.


Mario Collura (SISSA)
Guglielmo Lami (University of Cergy-Pointoise)
Nishan Ranabhat (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute)
Go to day
  • Thursday, 25 July 2024
    • 05:15 - 13:15 Day 1
      • 05:15 Registration formalities and welcome ceremony 1h0'
      • 06:15 Introduction to Quantum spin models I 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Introduction to Quantum spin models II 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Hands-on lecture I: linear algebra, wave-functions, operators, expectation values 2h0'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
  • Friday, 26 July 2024
    • 06:15 - 13:15 Day 2
      • 06:15 Introduction to Exact Diagonalization of Quantum Spin chains I 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Introduction to Exact Diagonalization on Quantum Spin chains II 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Hands-on lecture 2: Introduction to functional programming, Hilbert spaces, Hamiltonian matrix exact diagonalization to obtain the full energy spectrum 2h0'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
  • Sunday, 28 July 2024
    • 06:15 - 13:15 Day 3
      • 06:15 Exact Diagonalization of spin chains with simmetry implementation I 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Exact Diagonalization of spin chains with simmetry implementation II 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Introduction to phase transition in classical and quantum spin chains 2h0' ( Online )
        Speaker: Mario Collura
  • Monday, 29 July 2024
    • 06:15 - 13:15 Day 4
      • 06:15 Hands-on lecture 3: Full diagonalization with simmetry impletementation 1h30'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Hands-on lecture 4: Full diagonalization with simmetry implementation II 1h30'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Hands-on lecture 5: Quantum phase transition in transverse field Ising chain 2h0'
        Speakers: Nishan Ranabhat, Guglielmo Lami
  • Tuesday, 30 July 2024
    • 06:15 - 13:15 Day 5
      • 06:15 Introduction to Tensor Network for manybody physics I 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Hands-on lecture 5: Singular Value Decomposition, QR decomposition, Tensor contraction 1h30'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Q&A and career counselling 2h0'
  • Wednesday, 31 July 2024
    • 06:15 - 13:15 Day 6
      • 06:15 Introduction to Tensor Network for manybody physics II 1h30'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami
      • 07:45 Break 30'
      • 08:15 Hands-on lecture 5: Matrix Product States (MPS), Matrix Product Operators (MPO) quantum operations in tensor network language, Time Evolving Block Decimation (TEBD) 1h30'
        Speaker: Nishan Ranabhat
      • 09:45 Lunch break 1h30'
      • 11:15 Seminar: Introduction to Quantum computing 2h0'
        Speaker: Guglielmo Lami