Scientific Calendar Event


Juan Pablo Paz
(Universidad de Buenos Aires)

In this talk we present and discuss a new tool to be used to process quantum information with superconducting circuits. We first briefly review the main characteristics of the systems studied in the area which is now known as circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED). These quantum circuits basically consists of networks of artificial atoms (built with arrays of Josephson junctions), which are interconnected by microwave resonators also built with superconductors.  We then discuss a new idea showing how to buildand operate a quantum gate that squeezes the quantum state of the field stored in the resonator depending on the state of a qubit, built with one of the above mentioned artificial atoms. This quantum gate, when combined with single qubit operations and Gaussian operations on the resonator, turns out to be universal for quantum information processing. We show how to use this new tool to encode a quantum state initially stored in an artificial atom by mapping it into a quantum state of the  resonator in a way that makes the errors induced by photon losses easily detectable by a simple parity measurement. We discuss the possibility of implementing this new tool and show that it is within reach of current technology.

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