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The call for applications is open. Please click on 'Apply here' (on the left) to submit your application. An ICTP Meeting We are pleased to announce that the Italian Association of Medical Physicists (AIFM) will host the 12th Alpe Adria Medical Physics Meeting, to be held from 22 to 24 May 2024 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The meeting is organised in cooperation with the Medical Physics Societies of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia. A pre-meeting EFOMP School on New Technologies in Radiotherapy will be held on 21-22 May, free of admission for participants of the Alpe Adria meeting. EFOMP SCHOOL: New Technologies in Radiotherapy (21-22 May 2025): New technologies in Medical Physics: FLASH, SFRT, Radionuclide Therapy and SBRT May 21, Afternoon Joao Seco (DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany) -Introduction to new technologies in Medical Physics: FLASH, SFRT and radionuclide therapy Lidia Strigari (University Hospital of Bologna, Italy) - Molecular therapy (alpha and beta radionuclide therapy) Joao Seco (DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany) - SBRT for FLASH May 22, Morning Eeva Boeman (Department of Oncology, Tampere University Hospital, Finland) - SBRT techniques and applications to clinical cases Marco Esposito (ICTP, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy) - In vivo dosimetry for SBRT Francesco Romano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Catania, Italy) -FLASH dosimetry 12th AAMP Meeting: Invited Speakers Andre Dekker – Honorary talk on AI in medical physics Bozidar Casar – Challenges and developments in small field dosimetry Milana Vezirovic – EURADOS survey on IGRT practices in European radiotherapy clinics Piotr Andrzejewski – Workflows and Patient information systems in a particle therapy center Renata Longo – Breast dosimetry for standard and contrast enhanced mammography and breast tomosynthesis Paolo Cardarelli – Spectral imaging and photon counting Lidia Strigari – Advancing Molecular Imaging with long axial field of view (LAFOV) PET/CT Knežević Medija, Željka – Towards Safe, Optimized and Personalized Radiology and Radiotherapy procedures for pregnant patients (Sonora project) Csilla Pesznyak – Radiation protection (title to be defined) Tomislav Stankovski – Oscillatory Interactions and Coupling Functions in Medicine A special issue of Physica Medica will be published featuring highlight papers from the conference International Scientific Committee
Austria: Peter KUESS, Uwe WOLFF, Brigitte ZURL
Croatia: Dea Dundara DEBELJUH, Slaven JURKOVIĆ, Ivana KRALIK Italy: Paola BREGANT, Luca BROMBAL, Marco ESPOSITO Hungary: Tibor MAJOR, Csilla PESZNYAK, Tamas POCZA North Macedonia: Dushko LUKARSKI, Tomislav STANKOVSKI Serbia: Borislava PETROVIC, Jelena SAMAC, Milana VEZIROVIC Slovenia: Bozidar CASAR, Manca PODVRATNIK, Petra TOMŠE Registration Fee: Early: Until March 15th,2025
Late: Until May15th,2025
Payment details will follow on a later stage.
Abstract: Applicants wishing to present a poster or give a contributed talk are encouraged to submit an abstract. ICTP templates are available below for download.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is extended to 28 February 2025. |
12th AAMP Meeting & EFOMP School | (smr 4071)
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