Description |
The call for applications is open, please click on "Apply here" on the left, in order to submit your application An ICTP Hybrid meeting
Within the CORDEX international program’s mission, this workshop aims to enhance the capacity of scientists in developing nations to engage in advanced climate modeling research. By aligning with the IPCC’s initiative, it seeks to increase awareness among young climate scientists from these regions about opportunities to participate in global climate research and contribute to IPCC assessments.
The initiative’s significance lies in its focus on climate change readiness, addressing the heightened vulnerabilities of developing nations to challenges such as water scarcity, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. It emphasizes the integration of climate change adaptation strategies into resource management frameworks to strengthen regional resilience against climate-related adversities.
The workshop will offer a blend of theoretical lectures and practical sessions covering the principles of regional climate modeling and the utilization of regional climate models (RCMs), with a focus on the ICTP RegCM5 system—a widely employed tool worldwide, particularly among scientists indeveloping nations. Additionally, this edition will introduce the emerging concept of AI-based climate emulators, which is increasingly gaining attention as a research topic within the climate science community.
Topics of the workshop include:
Speakers: Moetasim ASHFAQ, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Valentina BLASONE, UNITS, Italy
Teresa CAVAZOS, CICESE, Mexico
James CIARLO, University of Malta, Malta
Erika COPPOLA, ICTP, Italy
Serafina DI GIOIA, ICTP, Italy
Graziano GIULIANI, ICTP, Italy
Chen LU, ICTP, Italy
Emanuela PICHELLI, ENEA, Italy
Francesca RAFFAELE, OGS/ICTP, Italy
Marco REALE, OGS, Italy
Michelle REBOITA SIMOES, IRN - UNIFEI, Itajuba, Brazil
Natalia ZAZULIE, ICTP, Italy
Research abstracts: In the application form, all applicants are requested to submit a brief research abstract for a poster presentation and/or contributed talk. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for the poster session or to give a talk. Please use ICTP templates available for download here and below under 'Material'.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
12th Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models | (smr 4096)
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