Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 29 Oct 2018
Ends 9 Nov 2018
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Via Grignano, 9 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The plasma college will be devoted to a very broad and fast developing field that encompasses the study of macroscopic “collective phenomena” in a variety of settings, spanning the classical/quantum domains, laboratory, space, astrophysics, and cosmological systems, magnetic and laser induced fusion, laser created high energy density physics, etc.

  • Elementary / advanced treatment of fundamental processes in plasma physics-collective phenomena, coherent nonlinear phenomena, self-organization, plasma turbulence.
  • Applications to magnetic fusion theory, experiments, design and simulation. A scientific review of magnetic fusion research all the way to JET and ITER will be provided.
  • Applications to astrophysical/cosmic plasmas (solar, planetary and stellar magnetospheres, jets etc.), and exotic plasmas (general relativistic, quantum, quantum-relativistic). Magneto-genesis and generation of cosmic flows.
  • The physics of laser-generated plasmas (fusion, high energy density matter and laboratory astrophysics).


S. Mahajan (University of Texas), D. Gomez (IAFE - Buenos Aires), S.M. Gonzalez de Vicente (IAEA), Z. Yoshida (University of Tokyo), Local Organiser: J. Niemela
