Description |
All lectures of the school were recorded and uploaded at the following link while lectures material is available here.
The Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code, introduces participants to post-DFT simulations, in particular many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) approaches and provide training in the calculation of electronic and optical properties of materials. The program will offer theoretical and technical lectures, as well as dedicated hands-on sessions where the students will learn the use of the Yambo code in a massively parallel environment and post processing tools for the analysis of the results. The main topics covered range from introductory lessons on MBPT concepts through to more advanced topics in materials science. General topics include the diagrammatic approach, self- energy and quasiparticles, the GW approximation, linear response, and the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Strong focus is given on connection with experimental observables (from photoemission, absorption, photoluminescence). Advanced topics will address real time evolution of equations of motion, time dependent polarization in terms of the Berry phase, computation of non-linear optical properties.
Participants are required to have a pre-existing background in DFT and in running DFT simulations.
Speakers: Seyedeh Samaneh Ataei (CNR-NANO, Italy) Claudio Attaccalite (CNRS, CINAM, Aix-Marseille Université, France) Stefano Baroni (SISSA, Italy) Miki Bonacci (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) Andrea Ferretti (CNR-NANO, Italy) Andrea Marini (CNR-ISM, Italy) Pedro Melo (University of Liege, Belgium) Alejandro Molina-Sanchez (IINL, Portugal) Paolo Moras (CNR-ISM, Italy) Fulvio Paleari (CNR-ISM, Italy) Maurizia Palummo (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy) Davide Sangalli (CNR-ISM, Italy) Michiel Jan Van Setten (IMEC, Belgium) Daniele Varsano (CNR-NANO, Italy) Ludger Wirtz (Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Tutors: Seyedeh Samaneh Ataei (CNR-NANO, Italy) Mike Atambo (The Technical University of Kenya, Kenya) Miki Bonacci (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) Azimatu Seidu (Aalto University, Finland) Notes: Thanks to the generous contribution of MaX and Psi-K, a shared accommodation in double room is provide at the ICTP Guest Houses for all participants. Participants are free to upgrade at their own costs the accommodation to a single room accordingly to the ICTP Guest Houses prices. Due to the hands-on nature of the School, the number of participants is limited to the capacity of Adriatico Informatics Lab. For more information regarding the Informatics Lab, please visit the link. |