Scientific Calendar Event

Description Note: ICTP has suspended all educational activities from 24 February up to 15 May as precautionary measures due to COVID-19; more details at

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) represents a major challenge to public health worldwide. Mobile elements such as plasmids play a crucial role in Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) and AMR spread. Understanding plasmid evolution and mobility is fundamental to unravel the population genetics of plasmid-encoded genes, especially antibiotic genes.
The combination of breakthroughs in sequencing and computational approaches has led to a new vision of the eco-evolutionary processes involved in HGT dynamics of pathogens. The School and Workshop will focus on modelling efforts to integrate genomic, experimental and computational results, to build a unified framework to tackle the expansion of plasmid-borne AMR.
The Workshop will be preceded by the one-week introductory School on bacterial evolution, population genetics and epidemiology.
The School introduces general concepts in those disciplines and focuses on their applications to AMR and plasmids. State-of-the-art methods used in genetic research on plasmids will be covered.

Invited Speakers and Lecturers include:
Stephanie Bedhomme, CEFE/CNRS, Montpellier
Sebastian Bonhoeffer, ETH Zurich
Alessandra Carattoli, Sapienza University, Rome
Trinad Chakraborty, JLU Gießen
Teresa Coque, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal
Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino, IFOM and University of Milan
Alejandro Couce, Imperial College London
Linda Falgenhauer, JLU Gießen
Luca Ferretti, Big Data Institute, Oxford
Egil A.J. Fischer, University of Utrech
Jacopo Grilli, ICTP
James P. Hall, University of Liverpool
Michael Lässig, University of Cologne
Bruce Levin, Emory University
James McInerney, University of Manchester
Itzik Mizrahi, Ben-Gurion University
Lulla Opatowski, Institut Pasteur in Paris
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Luca Peliti, San Marinella Research Institute
Chiara Poletto, INSERM - Sorbonne University
Alvaro San Millan, IRYCIS, Madrid
Kornelia Smalla, Julius Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig
Willem Van Schaik, University of Birmingham
Rob Willems, UMC Utrecht

Applications for the Workshop ONLY can be submitted

Applications for both the School and the Workshop can be submitted

We recognise the importance of childcare provision at conferences and are committed to supporting attendance of delegates with young children who would otherwise be unable to attend. While we are unable to provide on site childcare services, please contact us if you are in this position and you would like to apply.

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