This hands-on activity brings together participants and resource persons from IT units/departments of scientific institutions that have deployed or are considering deploying small to medium sized HPC equipment to share standards, experiences and best-practices for the design, management of Data centers for HPC equipment.
You must be from an IT unit/department to apply.
Data Centre: Facilities planing; provisioning, networking and optimization of power and cooling, etc
Installation, provisioning, configuration and maintenance of computer clusters/servers, storage and software.
Day-to-day operations of HPC systems including systems administration, monitoring and performance optimization.
Installation and maintenance of system software stack and tools, building and deploying open source software and supporting scientific applications.
Other topics: Green data centers; harnessing cloud based resources.
Guarav Bajpai (University of Rwanda, Rwanda), Hakizumwami Birali Runesha (University of Chicago, USA), Paul Caleja (Cambridge University, UK), Happy Sithole (CHPC/CSIR South Africa), Ivan Girotto (ICTP), Local Organiser: Clement Onime