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Note: ICTP has suspended all educational activities from 24 February up to 26 June as precautionary measures due to COVID-19; more details at The deadline has been extended to 31 December 2019. The school is a certificate course providing a unique international education aimed at building future leadership to manage nuclear energy programmes. It is intended for promising young professionals from the nuclear industry and academia, including those from developing countries. Jointly organized by ICTP and the IAEA since 2010, this Nuclear Energy Management (NEM) School focuses on broadening the young professional’s understanding of current issues in the nuclear industry, generating awareness on recent developments in nuclear energy and sharing international perspectives on issues related to the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Over 30 experts from the IAEA and the nuclear industry deliver more than 70 presentations and case studies. Technical visits to nuclear facilities form an essential practical element of the curriculum and students are asked to work on special projects relevant to the development of nuclear energy programmes. Participants will be selected based on an online pre- training course and a test. Topics: • World Energy Balance, Geopolitics and Climate Issues; • Energy Planning, Energy Economics and Nuclear Power Economics and Finance; • Nuclear Power Technology and Life Cycle; • Nuclear Safety and Security; • Nuclear Law, International Conventions and Relevant Mechanisms; • Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Safeguards; • Human Resource Development and Knowledge Management; • Nuclear Leadership, Management and Sociology; • Emergency Planning and Preparedness; • Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning; • Communicating Radiation Risks to the Public; • IAEA support for Nuclear Power Development. Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee. |
Joint ICTP-IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School * CANCELLED * | (smr 3451)