Workshop on Random Matrix Theory: Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics and Combinatorics | (smr 1569)
Starts 28 Jun 2004
Ends 2 Jul 2004
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, is organizing a Workshop on "Random Matrix Theory: Condensed Matter, Statistical Physics, Combinatorics", to be held in Trieste from 28 June to 2 July 2004.
Random matrix theory (RMT) has been proved to be a powerful tool, providing nonperturbative results, in various fields of physics. RMT has been, first, constructed as a phenomenological model describing the energy statistics of large nuclei. Yet, in the past decades applications of RMT have been established in mesoscopic physics, quantum chaos, number theory and two-dimensional quantum gravity. More recently RMT emerged in quantum computing, stochastic growth problems, stochastic evolution of algebraic curves, QCD and SUSY Yang-Mills theory.
The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together researchers from several fields of theoretical and mathematical physics working in the area of random matrix theory and their applications. The Workshop intends to promote a communication between research in different disciplines where random matrix theory constitutes a central paradigm or a tool for calculation.
• Random matrix theory and mesoscopics
• Random matrix theory and Riemann zeta function
• Random matrices and growth problems
• Random matrices in high energy physics
• Stochastic evolution of conformal maps
• Random matrices and Quantum Hall Effect
A.G. Abanov
G. Akemann
A. Altland
A. Andreev
C.W.J. Beenakker
E. Bettelheim
E. Bogomolnyi
P. Brouwer
J.L. Cardy
K. Efetov
V. Falko
J. Feinberg
Y. Fyodorov
I. Gruzberg
M. Hastings
S. Hikami
A. Its
E. Kanzieper
V. Kazakov
A. Larkin
I. Lerner
B. Mehlig
A.M.M. Pruisken
G. Semenov
M. Skvortsov
I. Smolyarenko
H. Spohn
C.A. Tracy
J.J.M. Verbaarschot
H. Weidenmuller
O.M. Yevtushenko
A. Zabrodin