Scientific Calendar Event

The 2005 Dirac Medal and Prize will be awarded to Sam Edwards for being a founder of the modern discipline of "soft" condensed matter physics with fundamental contributions to polymer physics, to spin glass theory, and to the physics of granular matter. Patrick A. Lee for his pioneering contributions to the fundamental understanding of disordered and strongly-interacting many-body systems.
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  • Friday, 11 November 2005
    • 11:00 - 11:15 Welcome Address
      • 11:00 Welcome Address 15'
        Speaker: K.R. Sreenivasan (ICTP Director)
    • 11:15 - 11:30 Presentation of the award to Professor Sir Sam Edwards and Professor Patrick A. Lee
      • 11:15 Presentation of the award to Professor Sir Sam Edwards and Professor Patrick A. Lee 15'
    • 11:30 - 12:15 Dirac Lecture: Statistical mechanics applied to granular systems
      • 11:30 Dirac Lecture: Statistical mechanics applied to granular systems 45'
        Speaker: Sir Samuel Frederick Edwards (Emeritus Cavendish professor of physics, University of Cambridge, UK)
        Material: abstract
    • 12:15 - 13:00 Dirac Lecture: Dirac spectrum in condensed matter physics
      • 12:15 Dirac Lecture: Dirac spectrum in condensed matter physics 45'
        Speaker: Patrick A. Lee (William and Emma Rogers professor of physics, M. I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA)
        Material: abstract