Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 3 Dec 2007
Ends 11 Dec 2007
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab.
The aim of the workshop is to guide scientists from developing countries to become acquainted with state-of-the-art, low cost and/or open source resources available for this purpose and thus help to reduce the digital and knowledge divides. Participants will be exposed to the tremendous resources and possibilities available to the scientific community, particularly in terms of interactive media such as: on-line information exchanges and services, production and web streaming of educational programs and courses.


Directors: E. Canessa, C. Fonda, M. Zennaro (ICTP-SDU); Co-Organizers: B. Logofatu (CREDIS, Romania), B. Hassler (CARET Video Studio, Cambridge University, UK)