Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 17 Mar 2008
Ends 21 Mar 2008
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall
Purpose and Nature: This one-week intensive Workshop is designed for physicists from developing countries who are interested in learning entrepreneurial skills to commercialize their scientific inventions. Such an educational program is missing in many of the developing countries for scientists working in universities and scientific institutions. The participants will benefit from the international perspective provided in this Workshop from both experts and co-participants from developing countries. Goals and Objectives: The objectives of this Workshop are to introduce to the scientists the process of innovation, generation and protection of intellectual property, technology transfer and commercialization of inventions. The Workshop will consist of lectures by invited speakers, case studies, group discussions and role-playing sessions related to commercialization of a product.
Dipali Chauhan (UK), Amy Flatten (USA), Giancarlo Michellone (Italy), Surya Raghu (USA), K.R. Sreenivasan (ICTP), Claudio Tuniz (ICTP)
AREA Science Park, IOP, APS, IUPAP
S. Radosic


Dipali Chauhan (UK), Amy Flatten (USA), Giancarlo Michellone (Italy), Surya Raghu (USA), K.R. Sreenivasan (ICTP), Claudio Tuniz (ICTP)