Description |
Global Navigation Satellite Systems provide an enabling technology that can make major contributions to economic growth and societal betterment worldwide. International organizations have recognized this fact and have initiated the deployment of infrastructure to allow Africa to exploit this technology. Unfortunately, these developments have been slow due to limited funding and a short supply of educated workers to support GNSS activities in Africa. The educational program of this workshop, like the workshop in 2009, is directed to prepare a future knowledgeable GNSS African workforce that is necessary for the sustainability of this revolutionizing science and technology. The workshop will include formal lectures, and hands-on practice particularly oriented towards the scientific exploration using GNSS. Space weather and ionospheric research activities will be stressed in an effort to initiate space science research programs in African universities, and support existing groups in the field. The workshops will be taught by worldwide experts in GNSS science and technology. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Onime (ICTP, Trieste) |
Speaker: | S. Radicella, P. Doherty (ICTP., Boston College) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | P. Doherty (Boston College, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | B. Arbesser-Rastburg (European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands) |
Speaker: | F. Vespe (Italian Space Agency, Matera, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | Dr. Fernando Quevedo, Dr. Kevin Bedell (Director, ICTP, V.P. for Research, Boston College) |
Speaker: | International and National Organization Representatives: |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | C. Hegarty, (MITRE, Bedford, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | C. Hegarty, (MITRE, Bedford, USA) |
Speaker: | C. Hegarty, (MITRE, Bedford, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | J. Raquet (AFIT, Wright Patternson, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | J. Raquet (AFIT, Wright Patternson, USA) |
Speaker: | J. Raquet (AFIT, Wright Patternson, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | P. Ward (NavWard Consultants, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | P. Ward (NavWard Consultants, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | D. Margaria (ISMB, Torino, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | M. Miller (USAF & ION, Eglin, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | M. Miller, J. Morton (USAF; Miami University, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. New, C. Miller (AFRL, Eglin: WPAFB, Wright Patterson, USA) |
Speaker: | O. Obrou (Univ. de Cocody, Abidjan, Cote d\'Ivoire) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. Miller, J. Morton, C. Miller, C.New (USAF; Miami Univ; WPAFB; AFRL., USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. Miller, J. Morton, C. Miller, C.New (USAF; Miami Univ; WPAFB; AFRL., USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | B. Rabiu (Fed. Univ. of Technology, Akure, Nigeria) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | O. A. Isioye (Ahmad Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | P. Doherty (Boston College, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | F. Vespe (Italian Space Agency, Matera, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | F. Vespe (Italian Space Agency, Matera, Italy) |
Speaker: | Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska |
Material: | Handout lecture notes |
Speaker: | A. Aoudia (ICTP, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | A. Aoudia (ICTP, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | R. Ehsani (University of Florida, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Material: | Movies |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | J. Doherty (Inst. for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | J. Doherty (Inst. For Defense Analyses, Alexandria, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | G. Seemala, S. Delay (Boston College, USA) |
Speaker: | L. Ciraolo, K. Alazo (IFAC- ICTP) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Fonda, G. Seemala, S. Delay (ICTP., Boston College) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | C, Fonda, G. Seemala, S. Delay (ICTP., Boston College) |
Speaker: | S. Radicella, P. Doherty (ARPL/ICTP, Boston College, USA) |
Speaker: | P. Doherty (Boston College, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | G. Ciraolo, K. Alazo (IFAC, ICTP) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | G. Seemala, S. Delay |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall - Room alternative: Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | Ariyibi E.A. and Moeketsi D.A. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | D. Matsakis (UNSO, Washington, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | D. Matsakis (UNSO, Washington, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | J. Doherty (IDA, Alexandria, USA) |
Speaker: | P. Doherty (Boston College, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | S. Radicella (ARPL/ICTP, Italy) |
Speaker: | B. Nava (ARPL/ICTP, Italy) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | N. Zernov (Univ. of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) |
Speaker: | C. Valladares (Boston College, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | V. Chukwuma (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) |
Speaker: | P. McGrath (TWAS, Trieste) |
Speaker: | C. Valladares (Boston College, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | B. Forte (Univ. of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) |
(Presented by R. Babatunde and P. Doherty)
Speaker: | R. Caton, B. Heruska (AFRL, Hansom, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | O. Obrou (Univ. de Cocody, Abidjan, Cote d\'Ivoire) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | R. Caton, B. Heruska (AFRL, Hansom, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
(Presented by C. Valladares and P. Doherty)
Speaker: | E. Yizengaw (Boston College, USA) |
Speaker: | R. Notarpietro (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |
Speaker: | B. Nava (ARPL/ICTP, Italy) |
Speaker: | B. Twinamasiko, F. D'Ujanga (Makerere University, Uganda) |
Speaker: | O. Obrou (Univ. de Cocody, Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | V. Chukwuma (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) |
Speaker: | J. Adeniyi (University of Ilorin, Nigeria) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | L. Amaeshi (University of Lagos, Nigeria) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | S. Magdaleno |
Speaker: | J. Uwamohoro (Kigali Institute of Education, Kigali, Rwanda) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | V. Munyaburanga (National Univ. of Rwanda, Butare, Rwanda) |
Speaker: | M. Kawesha (University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia) |
Speaker: | P. Doherty (Boston College, USA) |
Speaker: | S. Radicella, P. Doherty (ICTP., Boston College) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |