Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 21 Mar 2011
Ends 26 Mar 2011
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
The conference will consist of two segments. The first (21-24 March) will be devoted to a review of the status and main issues of the CORDEX initiative over the various CORDEX domains. Special sessions will be devoted to the Africa domain and to the assessment of the first multi-model CORDEX simulations over this region. This first segment of the conference will include invited and contributed papers and will entail a strong communication between the climate modeling and impact communities. The second segment (25-26 March) will include targeted skill building training sessions along with a specific Africa regional analysis design activity. This second segment will be mostly composed of theoretical lectures and hand-on laboratory sessions.


Directors: F. Giorgi, C. Jones, B. Hewitson