Scientific Calendar Event

To place tighter constraints on the physics of the early Universe, its expansion history and the nature of gravity, a better understanding of the nature of the bias between observable and dark matter will be needed. 

The workshop will be an occasion to present and discuss the most recent developments in the understanding of this bias, along with insights from recent observations. 
Go to day
  • Tuesday, 8 October 2013
    • 08:30 - 09:30 Registration & Administrative Formalities
      Location: Adriatico Guest House (Lower Level 1)
      • 08:30 Registration & Administrative Formalities 1h0'
    • 09:30 - 10:00 Bias and the formation of dark-matter halos
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:30 Bias and the formation of dark-matter halos 30'
        Speaker: C. Porciani (Bonn University)
    • 10:00 - 10:30 Bias: a personal cook book
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 10:00 Bias: a personal cook book 30'
        Speaker: V. Desjacques (University of Geneva)
    • 10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 45'
    • 11:15 - 11:45 Peak-Background Split, Renormalization, and Galaxy Clustering
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:15 Peak-Background Split, Renormalization, and Galaxy Clustering 30'
        Speaker: F. Schmidt (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics)
        Material: slides
    • 11:45 - 12:15 Excursion sets with correlated steps: mass function, non-Gaussianity and bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:45 Excursion sets with correlated steps: mass function, non-Gaussianity and bias 30'
        Speaker: M. Musso (Université Catholique de Louvain)
        Material: slides
    • 12:15 - 12:45 Exploring the scale dependence of Lagrangian bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 12:15 Exploring the scale dependence of Lagrangian bias 30'
        Speaker: A. Paranjape (ETH Zurich)
        Material: slides
    • 12:45 - 14:15 Lunch Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h30'
    • 14:15 - 14:45 Measuring galaxy bias with position-dependent power spectrum
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:15 Measuring galaxy bias with position-dependent power spectrum 30'
        Speaker: C. Wagner (Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics)
    • 14:45 - 15:15 An 'unbiased' measurement of the matter density parameter Omega_m from VIPERS PDR-1 (z~1)
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:45 An 'unbiased' measurement of the matter density parameter Omega_m from VIPERS PDR-1 (z~1) 30'
        Speaker: J. Bel (OA Brera)
        Material: slides
    • 15:15 - 16:00 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 15:15 Coffee Break 45'
    • 16:00 - 16:30 Measuring the growth of matter density fluctuations with third-order galaxy correlations
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:00 Measuring the growth of matter density fluctuations with third-order galaxy correlations 30'
        Speaker: K. Hoffmann (ICE Barcellona)
        Material: slides
    • 16:30 - 17:00 Measuring the CMASS galaxy bias using the bispectrum technique
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:30 Measuring the CMASS galaxy bias using the bispectrum technique 30'
        Speaker: H. Gil-Marin (University of Portsmouth)
        Material: slides
    • 19:00 - 21:00 RECEPTION
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 19:00 RECEPTION 2h0'
  • Wednesday, 9 October 2013
    • 09:30 - 10:00 The SHAM approach to modelling galaxy bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:30 The SHAM approach to modelling galaxy bias 30'
        Speaker: S. Cole (Durham University)
        Material: slides
    • 10:00 - 10:30 Are the halo occupation predictions consistent with large scale clustering of galaxies in simularions?
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 10:00 Are the halo occupation predictions consistent with large scale clustering of galaxies in simularions? 30'
        Speaker: A. Pujol Vallribera (ICE Barcellona)
        Material: slides
    • 10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 45'
    • 11:15 - 11:45 Large-scale Cosmic Structures and Clusters of Galaxies in HectoMAP
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:15 Large-scale Cosmic Structures and Clusters of Galaxies in HectoMAP 30'
        Speaker: A. Diaferio (University of Torino)
        Material: slides
    • 11:45 - 12:15 Using dark matter halos to reconstruct the cosmic density field
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:45 Using dark matter halos to reconstruct the cosmic density field 30'
        Speaker: H. Mo (UMass Amherst)
    • 12:15 - 12:45 Mapping the cosmic web: the environment of galaxy birth
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 12:15 Mapping the cosmic web: the environment of galaxy birth 30'
        Speaker: B. Jones (University of Groningen)
    • 12:45 - 14:15 Lunch Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h30'
    • 14:15 - 14:45 Nonlocal Halo Bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:15 Nonlocal Halo Bias 30'
        Speaker: K.C. Chan (University of Geneva)
        Material: slides
    • 14:45 - 15:15 Understanding higher-order non-local bias by combining the power spectrum with the bispectrum
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:45 Understanding higher-order non-local bias by combining the power spectrum with the bispectrum 30'
        Speaker: S. Saito (University of Tokyo)
    • 15:15 - 16:00 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 15:15 Coffee Break 45'
    • 16:00 - 16:30 The Imprint of Initial Conditions on Halo Bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:00 The Imprint of Initial Conditions on Halo Bias 30'
        Speaker: T. Baldauf (IAS, Princeton)
    • 16:30 - 17:00 Non-Local Bias factors: Theory vs simulations
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:30 Non-Local Bias factors: Theory vs simulations 30'
        Speaker: M. Biagetti (Universite de Geneve)
        Material: slides
  • Thursday, 10 October 2013
    • 09:30 - 10:00 Cosmology with galaxy bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:30 Cosmology with galaxy bias 30'
        Speaker: E. Gaztañaga (ICE Barcellona)
        Material: slides
    • 10:00 - 10:30 The effect of baryons on the distribution of matter
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 10:00 The effect of baryons on the distribution of matter 30'
        Speaker: J. Schaye (Leiden University)
    • 10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 45'
    • 11:15 - 11:45 The effects of baryons on the halo mass function
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:15 The effects of baryons on the halo mass function 30'
        Speaker: W. Cui (OA Trieste)
        Material: slides
    • 11:45 - 12:15 Distribution of cool gas around luminous red galaxies
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:45 Distribution of cool gas around luminous red galaxies 30'
        Speaker: G.B. Zhu (Johns Hopkins University)
    • 12:15 - 12:45 Assembly bias in models and observations
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 12:15 Assembly bias in models and observations 30'
        Speaker: N. Padilla (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
        Material: slides
    • 12:45 - 14:15 Lunch Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h30'
    • 14:15 - 14:45 The dynamical aspect of halo/galaxy bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:15 The dynamical aspect of halo/galaxy bias 30'
        Speaker: A. Faltenbacher (Wits University Johannesburg)
        Material: slides
    • 14:45 - 15:15 A consistency relation for galaxies
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:45 A consistency relation for galaxies 30'
        Speaker: M. Simonovic (SISSA)
    • 15:15 - 16:00 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 15:15 Coffee Break 45'
    • 16:00 - 16:30 Measuring nonlinear galaxy bias from counts in cells at z~1
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:00 Measuring nonlinear galaxy bias from counts in cells at z~1 30'
        Speaker: E. Branchini (University Roma Tre)
        Material: slides
    • 16:30 - 17:00 Modelling the Halo/Galaxy Bias with the full nonlinear information in the mass density field
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 16:30 Modelling the Halo/Galaxy Bias with the full nonlinear information in the mass density field 30'
        Speaker: J.E. Pollack (University of Bonn)
    • 20:00 - 22:00 Outside Dinner - Ristorante ANTICO PANADA
      Via Rossini, 8/D - 34132 Trieste - tel: 0403476286
      If you wish to attend - it is mandatory to confirm your participation by e-mail ( Further details will be provided during the Workshop. 
      • 20:00 Outside Dinner - Ristorante ANTICO PANADA 2h0'
  • Friday, 11 October 2013
    • 09:30 - 10:00 The multiple faces of galaxy bias
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 09:30 The multiple faces of galaxy bias 30'
        Speaker: U. Seljak (Berkeley University)
        Material: slides
    • 10:00 - 10:30 Integrated PT and its applications
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 10:00 Integrated PT and its applications 30'
        Speaker: T. Matsubara (Nagoya University)
        Material: slides
    • 10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 45'
    • 11:15 - 11:45 Modeling the galaxy distribution in redshiftspace with perturbation theory and stochastic halo biasing
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:15 Modeling the galaxy distribution in redshiftspace with perturbation theory and stochastic halo biasing 30'
        Speaker: F. Kitaura (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam)
        Material: slides
    • 11:45 - 12:15 Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions of dark matter halos
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 11:45 Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions of dark matter halos 30'
        Speaker: Z. Vlah (University of Zurich)
    • 12:15 - 12:45 Using spatial clustering to estimate redshift distributions
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 12:15 Using spatial clustering to estimate redshift distributions 30'
        Speaker: B. Ménard (Johns Hopkins University)
        Material: slides
    • 12:45 - 14:15 Lunch Break
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h30'
    • 14:15 - 14:45 Halo abundances and clustering with massive neutrinos
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:15 Halo abundances and clustering with massive neutrinos 30'
        Speaker: E. Castorina (SISSA)
    • 14:45 - 15:15 Clustering properties in cosmologies with massive neutrinos
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 14:45 Clustering properties in cosmologies with massive neutrinos 30'
        Speaker: F.A. Villaescusa Navarro (OA Trieste)
    • 15:15 - 15:20 Distribution of Certificates of Attendance
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
      • 15:15 Distribution of Certificates of Attendance 5'
    • 15:20 - 16:00 Get-Together Drink
      Location: Adriatico Guest House (Terrace)
      • 15:20 Get-Together Drink 40'