Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 4 Aug 2014
Ends 9 Aug 2014
Central European Time
AGH (Kastler Lecture Hall)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) is organizing a Workshop “Mixing in Rapidly Changing Environments - Probing Matter at the Extremes” to be held at ICTP in Trieste from 4 to 9 August 2014. This Workshop will be focused on hydrodynamic instabilities and on interfacial and turbulent mixing in fluids, plasmas and materials under extreme conditions of high energy density and sharply changing flow fields, and on their applications in nature and technology, from atomistic to astrophysical scales. The Workshop is a part of the program “Turbulent Mixing and Beyond” (TMB) that was developed in 2007 with the support of the ICTP and international funding agencies and institutions to bring together researchers from different areas of science, engineering and mathematics, and to focus their attention on the fundamental problem of non-equilibrium processes and turbulent mixing, Hydrodynamic instabilities and mixing control a broad variety of processes in fluids, plasmas and materials. These processes can be natural or artificial, their characteristic scales can be astrophysical or atomistic, and energy densities can be low or high. Examples include inertial confinement, heavy ion, and magnetic fusion, stellar and planetary convection, material transformation under impact, supersonic flows, and laser micromachining. The tremendous success that has been recently achieved in large-scale numerical simulations, in laboratory experiments (especially those in high power laser systems), in technology development (including possibilities for improvements in precision, dynamic range, reproducibility, accuracy, and data acquisition rate), and in theoretical analysis (e.g., new approaches for handling multi-scale, non-local and statistically unsteady dynamics) renders unparalleled opportunities to explore the properties of mixing and to touch the matter at the extremes. This success, as well as the striking similarity in behavior of hydrodynamic instabilities and mixing in the vastly different physical regimes, make this moment right for integrating our knowledge of the subject and for further enriching its development. The TMB Workshop ‘Mixing in Rapidly Changing Environments’ will consist of key-note and invited lectures, contributed talks, poster presentations, and round table discussions. The results of the Workshop will be published.


K.R. Sreenivasan, S.I. Abarzhi, S. Gauthier, J. Niemela, B. A. Remington.
ICTP Local Organizer: J. Niemela