Joint ICTP-IAEA School on Novel Experimental Methodologies for Synchrotron Radiation Applications in Nano-science and Environmental Monitoring | (smr 2611)
Starts 17 Nov 2014
Ends 28 Nov 2014
Central European Time
LB (Euler Lecture Hall)
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
SCHOOL PURPOSES AND TOPICS: The purpose of the Synchrotron Radiation School is to introduce and demonstrate advanced analytical methodologies based on X-ray spectrometry with application in the fields of Nano-Science and Environmental monitoring. The introduction of environment-friendly energy sources and the diagnosis, monitoring and understanding of environmental problems are issues of high concern for developing countries due to the destructive impact of the growing industrialization. These problems in many cases can be tackled by novel technologies based on the development of nano-structured materials that can be fully characterized due to the remarkable properties of synchrotron radiation. This two-week School is addressed to young motivated scientists with a Ph.D., or at least several years of research activity. It will offer a balanced program composed by lectures, tutorials and practical hands-on training sessions at different Elettra beamlines including the newly developed XRF beamline and the IAEA multipurpose endstation. The School aims to enhance the skills of participants in applying synchrotron radiation based on X-ray spectrometry techniques. It will also represent an opportunity for young researchers from developing countries to utilize in a competitive manner the access mechanisms offered by Elettra, the IAEA and the ICTP.
The following specific topics will be included:
•Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation: X-ray optics, UHV instrumentation, Advanced sample manipulator systems, trends and developments
•Theory and analytical applications of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) techniques
•Synchrotron Radiation based X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis Methodologies: Grazing Incidence XRF (GI-XRF), Total Reflection XRF (TR-XRF), 2D-3D Micro-XRF analysis, Quantification methodology and Monte Carlo Methods
•Tutorials on XRF/GIXRF and XAFS data analysis and on Monte Carlo Methods
•Experimental hands on sessions at Elettra XRF, TwinMic and XAFS beamlines