Scientific Calendar Event

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees (CIMPA), Nice, France, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), Cuernavaca, Mexico, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan (UADY), Merida, Mexico, are jointly organizing the School and Workshop on Singularities in Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics. This event is co-sponsored by ICTP, CIMPA, UNAM, UADY and CONACYT. 
The School will take place at Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Unidad Cuernavaca, Cuernavaca, Mexico, from 24 November to 5 December, and the Workshop will take place at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico, from 8 to 19 December 2014. 
Singularity theory is a crossroad of various areas of mathematics and science in general. In the last 5 years we have seen striking developments, both within singularity theory itself and in its relations with other areas of mathematics. The purpose of this event is to present some of the basic foundations of singularity theory, as well as recent results that brings us up to the boundary of our present knowledge in various topics. Particular emphasis will be given to the theory of singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics. 
The first two weeks (24 November - 5 December) will be a ICTP-CIMP A School on the following topics: Local polar varieties in the study of singularities of spaces and maps (Bernard Teissier, France); Theorie elementaire des feuilletages holomorphes (Dominique Cerveau, France); Feuilletages holomorphes singuliers (Frank Loray, France); Dynamical Systems and valuations (Felipe Cano, Spain); 
Arc spaces and the Nash problem (Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla, Spain); Characteristic classes of singular varieties (Jean-Paul Brasselet, France); Poincare Hopf's theorem on singular varieties (Jose Seade, Mexico); Invariants of holomorphic foliations (Laura Ortiz, Mexico); Singularites et valuations: interactions entre geometrie et algebre commutative (Mark Spivakovsky, France); 
Introduction to mixed singularities and their applications (Mutsuo Oka, Japan); 
Singularities and tropical geometry (Fuensanta Aroca, Mexico) and (Lucia Lopez de Medrano, Mexico). 
Up-to-date information about the Programme of the School can be found at the activity website: 
The Workshop will be held during the third and fourth weeks (8 -19 December), with the participation of renown experts. 
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