Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 19 Nov 2006
Ends 23 Nov 2006
Central European Time
Tizi-Ouzou - Algeria
The aim of the International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnologies is to provide an open forum for the presentation and discussion of recent research and development results in Microelectronics, Microsystems, Micro-fluidics and Nano-Materials/Structures. The ICMNT06 will provide an opportunity for scientists of many developed and developing countries to meet and discuss the main advances in the micro and nanotechnology field. Participation of national and international scientists is desired. Participants are invited to submit their work under the form of Papers for participants and abstracts for Lecturers. The conference is sponsored by local and international institutes and organizations.
The University Mouloud Mammeri-UMMTO, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Tizi Ouzou in collaboration with ICTP-Trieste, Italy and IMEP-CNRS, Grenoble, France


The University Mouloud Mammeri-UMMTO, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Tizi Ouzou in collaboration with ICTP-Trieste, Italy and IMEP-CNRS, Grenoble, France