Scientific Programme
- Registration: Please register with the Secretary (Suzie Radosic) in the Adriatico Guesthouse, lower lever near the Kastler lecture hall starting Monday 4 November or during the entire week of the Conference, preferably during the breaks.
- Opening
- Adhesion: theory and experiment (Bo Persson)
- Probing nano-tribological properties of phospholipid membranes using the AFM circular mode (Olivier Noel)
- Nanoscale dissipation in liquid atomic force microscopy measurements (Kislon Voitchovsky)
- Coffee Break
- Anisotropy effects on friction at regularly stepped gold electrodes as studied by FFM (Helmut Baltruschat)
- Ac actuation effects on atomic friction in the framework of the Prandtl-Tomlinson model (Juan Mazo)
- Controlling tip sample distance at the minima of torsional self-excitation frequency -possibility of atomic resolution chemical contrast mapping with the dynamic lateral mode AFM- (Hideki Kawakatsu)
- Unraveling and eliminating dissipation mechanisms in polymer brush interfaces (Martin Mueser)
- Lunch Break
- Friction of colloidal monolayers (Clemens Bechinger)
- Playing tribology with a layer of colloidal particles: depinning, solitons, epitaxy, and more (Nicola Manini)
- How interfacial dynamics affect global frictional resistance? (Yohai Bar-Sinai)
- Friction is Fracture: Rapid Dynamics at the Onset of Friction (Jay Fineberg)
- Coffee Break
- Probing frictional aging at nanoscale (Rosario Capozza)
- Contact and Adhesion of Rough Adhesive Surfaces (Tristan Sharp)
- Welcome Buffet Dinner
- Friction/lubrication mechanisms across ionic liquid films (Susan Perkin)
- Water-based lubricants (Carlos Drummond)
- Coffee Break
- Large scale and high speed superlubricity in graphite (Quanshui Zheng)
- Adhesion of confined hydrocarbons films studied by Molecular Dynamics (Ion Marius Sivebaek)
- Tribo-induced melting transitions and internal friction at magnetic and nonmagnetic asperity contacts (Jackie Krim)
- Nanoscopic friction under electrochemical control (Astrid de Wijn)
- Lunch Break
- Molecular surface modification and friction control (Roland Bennewitz)
- Thermolubricity of Xenon monolayers on Graphene (Giampaolo Mistura)
- Contact lubrication of biological surfaces: the role of mucinous glycoproteins (Bruno Zappone)
- Contact area scaling and ageing kinetics in nanoparticle friction (Dirk Dietzel)
- Poster Session
- Biomimetic adhesive microstructures as an approach to understand functioning of biological systems (Stanislav Gorb)
- Modelling friction mediated by biomolecular bonds (Ulrich Schwarz)
- Coffee Break
- Pushing, pulling and slipping: friction in insect attachment structures (Walter Federle)
- Optimizing flows in nanochannels: surface friction and entrance effects (Laurent Joly)
- Protein shock absorbers in muscle (Julio Fernandez)
- Lunch Break
- Transduction channels’ gating controls friction on vibrating hair-cell bundles in the ear (Volker Bormuth)
- Energy dissipation over phase transitions studied with AFM in pendulum geometry (Marcin Kisiel)
- Theory of charge density wave non-contact friction (Franco Pellegrini)
- Chemical origins of friction: insights from atomistic simulations (Izabela Szlufarska)
- Coffee Break
- Quantum Cherenkov radiation and quantum friction (Aleksandr Volokitin)
- Dynamic weakening of friction in a randomly sheared granular bed (Alberto Petri)
- Relationship between energy dissipation rate and probabilities of non-equilibrium assemblies (Konstantin Tretiakov)
- Friction through reversible jumps of surface atoms (Oscar Fajardo)
- Conference Dinner
- Nano tips with multiprobe functions, possibilities at our hands (Enzo Di Fabrizio)
- Viscous solvent confinement in polymer brushes and its role in brush tribology (Nicholas Spencer)
- Coffee Break
- Emergence of friction in conservative superlubric and spin systems (Annalisa Fasolino)
- Internal friction and collective dislocation dynamics (Mikko Alava)
- Atomic-scale spin friction (Roland Wiesendanger)
- Lunch Break
- Frictional dissipation in a polymer bilayer system (Mark Lantz)
- Understanding and controlling friction through magnetic domains (Andrea Benassi)
- Molecular scale friction microscopy in water (Pawel Nita)
- Depinning and collective dynamics of magnetically driven colloidal monolayers (Pietro Tierno)
- Nonlinear dynamics of the frictional interface (Oleg Braun)
- Conference Closing
E. Meyer (Switzerland), M. Urbakh (Israel),
ICTP Local Organizer: E. Tosatti
ICTP Local Organizer: E. Tosatti