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Displaying 27 speakers out of 27
BADALONI, Silvana (European Platform of Women Scientists)
BOBAN, Camelia (Wikimedia Foundation, Diversity Working Group for Wikimedia Strategy 2030)
BOURGUIGNON, Jean-Pierre (European Research Council President)
CAMP, Tracy Kay (Colorado School of Mines)
CLANCY, Katherine (Representative of the National Science Academies from US)
GLEDHILL, Igle (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics)
GOOS, Merrilyn (University of Limerick)
GUILLOPE, Colette (LAMA - UMR CNRS, France)
IVIE, Rachel (American Institute of Physics)
JAMI, Catherine (UMR Chine, Corée, Japon (CNRS & EHESS), France)
LANG, Catherine (School of Education, La Trobe University, Australia)
MIHALJEVIC, Helena (Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
NARASIMHAN, Shobhana (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research)
PRIMAS, Francesca (European Southern Observatory, Germany)


Marie-Francoise Roy (International Mathematical Union), Mei Hung Chiu (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), Igle Gledhill (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics), Local Organiser: Erika Coppola
