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ICTP - Giambiagi Lecture Hall (AGH)



Effects of high j proton and neutron orbitals in nuclear structure (A~180-200) - Nandi Soumen, VECC, Kolkata, India Precision Lifetime Measurements of Rare Isotopes and Implementation of a Radiation-Hard Active Target - Mara Grinder, Michigan State University, USA An Intranuclear Cascade Model for Cluster-Induced Reactions - Monira Jannatul Kobra, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh Links between nuclear structure data and cross section measurements - Adina Olacel, IFIN-HH, Romania Auger and conversion spectroscopy of the medical radioisotope 125I - Bryan Tee, Australian National University, Australia Excited state lifetime studies in the N=100 isotone 166Dy using the NuBALL array - Rhiann Canavan, Univ. Surrey, UK Structure and Shape of 66Zn nuclei - Indu Bala, Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Dehli, India Activation bremsstrahlung yields of the 112Sn(g,n)111Sn and 112Sn(g,p)111m,gIn reactions and the following 111Sn decay g-ray branching coefficients - Anastasiia Chekhovska, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Ukraine High spin states Interpretation of 135Ba, 135Ce and 135La Nuclei within Cranked Nilsson- Strutinsky Model - Samra Kaim, Université Frères Mentouri Constantine1, Algeria


Paraskevi Dimitriou (Nuclear Data Section, IAEA), Elisabeth A. McCutchan (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA), Local Organiser: Claudio Tuniz
