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Displaying 31 speakers out of 31
ALEXANDER BUFETOV (Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation)
ALEXANDER ITS (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA)
ALEXANDER TIKHOMIROV (Komi Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation)
ANTTI KNOWLES (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, USA)
ARUP BOSE (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
BALINT VETO (Universitaet Bonn, Germany)
CHARLES BORDENAVE (Université de Toulouse, France)
FRIEDRICH GOETZE (Bielefeld University, Germany)
GERNOT AKEMANN (Bielefeld University, Germany)
GUANGMING PAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
IGOR KRASOVSKY (Imperial College of London, UK)
JINHO BAIK (University of Michigan, USA)
JONATHAN WARREN (Warwick University, UK)
JUN YIN (University of Wisconsin, USA)
KE WANG (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, USA)
MARIYA SHCHERBINA (Institute for Low Temperature Physics, Ukranian Academy of Sciences, Ukraine)
TOM CLAEYS (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
YANG CHEN (University of Macao, China)
ZDZISLAW BURDA (Jagellonian University, Poland)


T. Grava (SISSA), B. Schlein (Germany), A. Soshnikov (USA). Local Organizer: R. Ramakrishnan