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Displaying 58 authors out of 58
B. HOSKINS (Meteorology, Univ. Reading & Grantham Institute, Imperial College, U.K.)
D. DOMMENGET (Leibnitz Inst. of Marine Science, IFM GEOMAR, Univ. Kiel, Germany)
F. CODRON (Lab. de Meteorologie Dyn., CNRS/UPMC, Paris, France)
I. HELD (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab., NOAA & Princeton Univ., USA)
I.-S. KANG (School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Seoul Nat. University, Korea)
J.A.T. BYE (School of Earth Sciences, The Univ. of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Y. KUSHNIR (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Earth Institute of Columbia Univ., Palisades, USA)


Directors: I-S. Kang, D. Straus, M.P. King, F. Kucharski