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Wed 27 Sept Thu 28 Sept (C1 parallel session included) Thu 28 Sept (C2 parallel session) Fri 29 Sept This year's International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-CORDEX will focus on discussions and ideas for the way forward and CORDEX contributions to the WCRP Open Science Conference in October 2023. The conference will also focus on specific regional challenges and solutions, such as needs for National Adaptation Plans and climate financing. Joint sessions will be held simultaneously in Trieste, Italy and Pune, India. Meetings will be accessible both in person at each of the venues and through online participation. Please refer to the additional information below and to the ICRC-CORDEX-2023 page for complete Conference Terms & Conditions. Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants from developing countries and early career scientists . The conference will be followed by the 11th Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, from 2 to 6 October 2023; Presentation guidelines TriesteOnsite:Guidelines for oral presentations onsite Guidelines for poster presentations onsite Online: |
International Conference on Regional Climate ICRC-CORDEX 2023 | (smr 3878)
Go to day
08:00 - 20:00
1h30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
Welcome address
1h0' (
SISSA Building - Aula Magna
Filippo Giorgi, Head Earth System Physics Section, ICTP, Italy Atish Dabholkar, ICTP Director, Italy Michele Babuder, Council member territory and environment, City of Trieste, Italy (Assessore per la Pianificazione territoriale, Edilizia privata, Strade e viabilita', Verde pubblico, Arredo urbano, Fontane e monumenti, Ambiente, Illuminazione pubblica, Igiene urbana, Trieste, Italia) Raghavan Krishnan, Director IITM, Pune India Nana Ama Klutse Brown, IPCC Mario Ciancarini, ENEL, Italia Bjorn Stevens, MPI-Meteorology, Germany Detlef Stammer, U. Hamburg, Germany Daniela Jacob, Climate Service Center, Germany Silvina Solman, U. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 10:30 Health break 30' ( SISSA )
Session A1 - Earth System Modelling in the regional context
1h30' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs: Melissa Bukovsky and Klaus Görgen
Regional Earth System Models: Uncertain Definition, Clear Benefits, Open Challenges - Samuel SOMOT
Material: Slides -
Regional coupled modeling to improve understanding of the Southeast Asian Climate Quentin - Frederic DESMET
Material: Slides -
Himalayan glacial anomaly as simulated by a coupled regional glacier-climate model and its synoptic-scale drivers - Aaquib JAVED
Material: Slides -
Coupled groundwater-to-atmosphere simulations with the regional climate system model TSMP as a contribution to the new European CORDEX-CMIP6 ensemble - Klaus GOERGEN
Material: Slides -
The latest projected climate change signal over Southern Africa using the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model (CCAM) - Jessica STEINKOPF (NEE PICAS)
Material: Slides -
Development of a regional earth system model using a variable resolution global grid - Marcus THATCHER
Material: Slides
Regional Earth System Models: Uncertain Definition, Clear Benefits, Open Challenges - Samuel SOMOT
- 12:30 Lunch 1h0' ( Leonardo building - cafeteria/terrace )
Session A2 - Convection Permitting Modelling
1h30' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs: Maria Laura Bettolli and José Abraham Torres Alavez
Advancing Convection-Permitting Climate Projections: Coordinated Ensemble Experiments and the Path Ahead - Erika COPPOLA
Material: Slides -
Tropical cyclone changes in convection-permitting regional climate projections: a study over the Shanghai region - Erasmo BUONOMO
Material: Slides -
The role of Tibetan Plateau Vortices in extreme precipitation events in the Tibetan Plateau region - Julia CURIO
Material: Slides -
BARPA-C: Kilometre-scale climate modelling development based on ACCESS - Christian STASSEN
Material: Slides -
Detection and sensitivity to global warming of disastrous-like storms in the complex alpine area - Emanuela PICHELLI
Material: Slides -
Brand new Convection-Permitting simulations over South America: a look at the uncertainty sources at the sub-daily time scale - Francesca RAFFAELE
Material: Slides -
A new method for dynamical downscaling of heatwaves by convection-permitting climate models: event-based downscaling - Fuxing WANG
Material: Slides
Advancing Convection-Permitting Climate Projections: Coordinated Ensemble Experiments and the Path Ahead - Erika COPPOLA
- 15:00 Health break 30'
Session A3 - Statistical Methods/Machine Learning techniques for regional climate modelling/downscaling
1h45' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs: Fatima Driouech, Jason Evans and Douglas Maraun
A brief overview to warm up - José Manuel GUTIERREZ
Material: Slides -
A storyline approach to select the CMIP6 model ensemble to be downscaled for the South America domain - Andressa ANDRADE CARDOSO
Material: Slides -
Convolutional neural networks for local climate downscaling: precipitation extremes in the FPS in Southeastern South America - Maria Laura BETTOLLI
Material: Slides -
RCM-emulators: A study of applicability to large GCM ensembles - Antoine DOURY
Material: Slides -
Should we bias correct boundary conditions for regional climate models? - Jason EVANS
Material: Slides -
Introducing eXplainable Artificial Intelligence to assess Deep Learning Models for Statistical Downscaling - Jose GONZÁLEZ-ABAD
Material: Slides -
Can deep-learning models extrapolate to downscaling rainfall in future climates? - Neelesh RAMPAL
Material: Slides -
Design of Experiments and Machine Learning (DoE & ML)-based approach to better capture uncertainty in future climate projections - Carla VIVACQUA
Material: Slides
A brief overview to warm up - José Manuel GUTIERREZ
Poster session A
45' (
Leonardo Building - main entrance level
A1-P-01 Multilayer soil and interactive vegetation in regional climate models – A case study using REMO in Mainland Southeast Asia
Speaker: ABEL Daniel Material: Poster -
A1-P-02 The response of atmospheric circulation to orographic forcing: application of a regional climate model
Speaker: ALIZADEH Omid -
A1-P-03 Evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs Over the CONUS for Downscaling Studies
Speaker: ASHFAQ Moetasim Material: Poster -
A1-P-04 Impact of the Ocean-Atmosphere coupling on extratropical cyclones around the Mediterranean basin
Speaker: CHERICONI Marco Material: Poster -
A1-P-05 Importance of Regional Climate Change ICRC-CORDEX to \mano River Union States
Speaker: COLLINS Emmanuel -
A1-P-06 Regional Earth System Models for CMIP6 downscaling over the EURO-CORDEX domain
Speaker: HAGEMANN Ha Material: Poster -
A1-P-07 Urban Environments and Regional Climate Change - CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC
Speaker: HALENKA Tomas -
A1-P-08 The MED-CORDEX ensemble of climate projections for the Mediterranean Sea: impacts of the high resolution and ocean-atmosphere coupling
Speaker: JORDA SANCHEZ Gabriel Material: Poster -
A1-P-09 Future Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones under the SSP scenarios over CORDEX-East Asia domain using Multi-RCMs
Speaker: KIM Eunji Material: Poster Video
A1-P-10 Investigation of aerosol effects on diurnal cycle of precipitation amount, frequency and intensity over Central Africa by a regional climate model
Speaker: KOMKOUA MBIENDA Armand Joel Material: Poster -
A1-P-11 Investigating sea surface temperature impacts on Philippine climate in CORDEX-SEA simulations
Speaker: MAGNAYE Angela Monina Material: Poster Video
A1-P-12 Calibration of the new regional ocean-atmosphere model based on ICON and NEMO for the EURO-CORDEX domain
Speaker: MAURER Vera Material: Poster -
A1-P-13 Regional climate simulation of the record-breaking heavy rainfall over East Asia in 2020: model evaluation and impact of global warming
Speaker: MUN Taeho Material: Poster Video
A1-P-14 Evaluation of CORDEX-CORE Simulations in Revealing the Physical Mechanisms Behind the Rainfall Extremes over the Indo-Gangetic Plains
Speaker: PANT Manas Material: Poster Video
A1-P-15 The new modernized version of the regional model REMO
Speaker: PIETIKÄINEN Joni-Pekka Samuel Material: Poster Video
A1-P-16 Dynamical downscaling of CMIP6 models over Australia: Climate projections data submission to the Australasia CORDEX domain.
Speaker: SYKTUS Jozef Material: Poster -
A1-P-17 Understanding the diversity of the West African monsoon system change projected by CORDEX‐CORE regional climate models
Speaker: TAMOFFO TCHIO Alain Material: Poster Video
A1-P-18 Evaluation and improvement of cloud microphysics in the Conformal Cubic Atmospheric Model
Speaker: TRUONG Cong Hoang Material: Poster -
A1-P-19 WRF-based hindcast simulations in the MENA region: modeling advances and contribution to CORDEX Phase II
Speaker: ZITTIS Georgios Material: Poster -
A2-P-01 On convective enhancement of Vb-events in present and warmer climate
Speaker: AHRENS Bodo Material: Slides -
A2-P-02 Analyzing simulated irrigation effects on convection-permitting scale – Does irrigation in northern Italy affect convective processes?
Speaker: ASMUS Christina Material: Poster -
A2-P-03 An ecological index for arthropod habitats in the Circum-Sicilian islands using Convection Permitting data
Speaker: CIARLO James Material: Poster Video
A2-P-04 An overview of the onset and cessation of the biannual rainy seasons in the Coastal areas of West Africa
Speaker: COULIBALY Amadou -
A2-P-05 Evaluation of rainfall in high-resolution simulations over Mindanao
Speaker: DADO Julie Mae Material: Poster Video
A2-P-06 An African-based climate change event-attribution system using a regional climate model
Speaker: ENGELBRECHT Francois Alwyn Material: Poster -
A2-P-07 WRF ensemble dynamical downscaling of precipitation over China using different cumulus convective schemes
Speaker: GAO Shibo Material: Poster Video
A2-P-08 Effects of the regional-local circulation on precipitation development in the tropical Andes (Rio Santa Basin)
Speaker: GARCIA ROSALES Alan Jesus -
A2-P-09 Analysis of the added value of increased spatial resolution in a region of complex orography: a comparison with CORDEX simulations
Speaker: GARCÍA VALDECASAS OJEDA Matilde Maria Del Vall Material: Poster -
A2-P-10 A pan-European km-scale setup of the regional climate system model TSMP to study the impact of human interventions on the terrestrial water cycle
Speaker: GOERGEN Klaus -
A2-P-11 Terrain-influences on the regionality of future increases in Japan’s summertime extremely high temperatures and the projection uncertainty
Speaker: ITO Rui Material: Poster Video
A2-P-12 Identifying future changes of extreme precipitation in Japan using 720-year 5-km-grid regional climate experiments
Speaker: KAWASE Hiroaki Material: Poster -
A2-P-13 CMIP6-Based Convection-Permitting Future Climate Simulation over the Black Sea Basin
Speaker: KELEBEK Mehmet Baris Material: Poster Video
A2-P-14 Testing of Non-hydrostatic Core and Microphysics over the Carpathians
Speaker: KHALID Bushra Material: Poster Video
A2-P-15 Producing local climate information to help Western Australians adapt to our changing climate
Speaker: LAM Ho Man Sean -
A2-P-16 County-scale Climate Projections over Minnesota for the 21st Century
Speaker: LIESS Stefan -
A2-P-17 Performance of CMIP6 GCMs ensemble in the coupling zone for the RCM simulations in the PERUN project
Speaker: MACHADO CRESPO Natália Material: Poster -
A2-P-18 Numerical simulation of thunderstorm indices and lightning over Odisha, India, with WRF-ELEC
Speaker: MAHAPATRA Debasish Material: Poster -
A2-P-19 Influence of small-scale ocean structures on surface wind variability over the Western Mediterranean region.
Speaker: MELO AGUILAR Camilo Andres Material: Poster -
A2-P-20 Why was the 2019-2021 drought event in La Plata Basin so persistent and extreme?
Speaker: MILOVAC Josipa -
A2-P-21 Impact of increasing model resolution on added values in regional climate simulation of heavy precipitation
Speaker: PARK Junseo Material: Poster Video
A2-P-22 Flux exchange over heterogeneous land surfaces
Speaker: POLL Stefan -
A2-P-23 Assessment of homogeneous groups climatology simulated by RegCM-CP over southeastern South America
Speaker: PORFIRIO DA ROCHA Rosmeri Material: Poster -
A2-P-24 Sensitivity of an unusual cyclone in southeast South America to convective parameterization schemes in the new ICTP RCM (RegCM5)
Speaker: ROSSI PINHEIRO Henri Material: Poster Video
A2-P-25 Dynamical downscaling experiments for a tropical region.
Speaker: SALINAS PRIETO Jose Material: Poster -
A2-P-26 On the ability of convection permitting models for capturing the urban-rural contrasts over selected cities in South America
Speaker: SOLMAN Silvina Material: Poster -
A2-P-27 BARPA: Advancing the Australian regional climate information for decision making
Speaker: STASSEN Christian Material: Poster -
A2-P-28 An Open-Source Python Package for Computing the Effective Resolution of Regional Climate Models: Development, Validation, and Implications for the Climate Modeling Community
Speaker: TARANU Ioan Sabin Material: Poster -
A2-P-29 The design of the II ensemble: selecting CMIP6 GCMs to downscale based on their spread of extreme weather at future warming levels.
Speaker: VANDELANOTTE Kobe Material: Poster -
A2-P-30 Soil moisture-atmosphere interactions during the 2020 European Heatwave using RegCM5.
Speaker: VERMA Shruti Material: Poster Video
A2-P-31 Improvement of land-atmosphere exchange coefficient parameterization in regional numerical simulations
Speaker: ZHANG Xia Material: Poster Video
A3-P-01 Preparation and downscaling of High-Resolution Climate Data for Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
Speaker: ALI Shaukat Material: Poster -
A3-P-02 Investigating Interaction between Tropical Convection and Atmospheric Gravity Waves over West Africa
Speaker: AMPADU Sylvia Material: Slides -
A3-P-03 Testing convolutional neural networks as a downscaling tool over southern South America in a climate change scenario: the case of daily extreme temperatures
Speaker: BALMACEDA HUARTE Rocio Material: Poster -
A3-P-04 A deep learning framework to emulate the convection permitting dynamical models for extreme precipitation
Speaker: BLASONE Valentina Material: Poster Video
A3-P-05 A Seamless Approach for Evaluating Climate Models Across Spatial Scale
Speaker: CHANG Alex Material: Poster Video
A3-P-06 Testing the stationary assumption of statistical downscaling using dynamical downscaling model output as pseudo observation
Speaker: CHEN Cheng-Ta Material: Poster Video
A3-P-07 Emulating a Complete GCM-RCM Euro-CORDEX Matrix
Speaker: CHRISTENSEN Ole Bossing Material: Poster -
A3-P-08 Assessment of the interannual variability of precipitation and surface air temperature over Europe from a continental-scale high-resolution machine learning-based downscaled data
Speaker: FUENTES FRANCO Ramón Material: Poster -
A3-P-09 Evaluating the multivariate structure of bias-corrected climate variables - Measuring joint extremity with vine copulas
Speaker: FUNK Henri Material: Poster -
A3-P-10 Optimizing climate data analysis workflows: Strategies and lessons learned from two case studies
Speaker: GOODMAN Alexander David Material: Poster Video
A3-P-11 High resolution statistical downscaling for the European continent using fully-convolutional neural networks
Speaker: KRUS Kristofer Alexander Material: Poster -
A3-P-12 An interactive web interface to compare the LOcalized Constructed Analogs 2 (LOCA2) with its precursor and CMIP6
Speaker: LEE Hugo Material: Poster -
A3-P-13 Identification of the frequency of extreme precipitation events in southeastern South America
Speaker: MARTINEZ Daiana Micaela Material: Poster -
A3-P-14 Evaluation of rainfall bias-corrected in high resolution CORDEX-SEA over Java Island, Indonesia
Speaker: MARUFAH Ummu Material: Poster Video
A3-P-15 Enhancing Spatial Consistency in downscaled Fire Weather Index (FWI) Projections for Improved Wildfire Risk Management: A multi-site multi-gaussian CNN approach
Speaker: MIRONES ALONSO Oscar Material: Poster Video
A3-P-16 Harnessing machine learning for calibration of regional climate models: preparing ALADIN for EURO-CORDEX
Speaker: NABAT Pierre Jean Alain -
A3-P-17 Intercomparison of statistical and dynamical downscaling in southeastern South America: future projections of extreme rainfall
Speaker: OLMO Matias Ezequiel Material: Poster -
A3-P-18 Use the data of the EURO-CORDEX ensemble of regional climate model simulations for probabilistic modeling of the maximum runoff of the spring flood on the rivers of the South of Ukraine
Speaker: OVCHARUK Valeriya Material: Poster Video
A3-P-19 The Comparison of 25-km and 5-km resolution of CORDEX-SEA Simulation for Precipitation Over Java Island, Indonesia
Speaker: PERMANA Donaldi Sukma Material: Poster Video
A3-P-20 The South American Monsoon lifecycle projected by an ensemble of CMIP6-GCM statistically downscaled
Speaker: REBOITA Michelle Simões -
A3-P-21 Relation between maximum temperatures and weather types as a method for the statistical-dynamical downscaling of uncertainties in CMIP6 models
Speaker: SERRAS Fien Material: Poster Video
A3-P-22 "Tuning" CORDEX data to reduce uncertainty in climate projections for the Carpathian Region
Speaker: TORMA Csaba Material: Poster Video
A3-P-23- Circulation Types and precipitation patterns over Southern Central America in the CORDEX- CORE Experiment 1 RegCM4.7 Simulations
Speaker: Fernan Saenz Soto Material: Poster Video
A1-P-01 Multilayer soil and interactive vegetation in regional climate models – A case study using REMO in Mainland Southeast Asia
- 18:00 Icebreaker reception 2h0' ( Leonardo Building - cafeteria/terrace )
1h30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
08:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 20:00
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
CORDEX Panel Discussion
1h0' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session chair: Iréne LAKE
- 10:30 Health break 30' ( SISSA )
Insights from session A and Discussion on the future scientific development and priorities
1h30' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs Daniela JACOB and Silvina SOLMAN
- 12:30 Lunch (Posters) 1h0' ( Leonardo building - cafeteria/terrace )
Session B - CORDEX interaction with society
2h0' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs: Amira Nasser Mostafa and Dominique Paquin
Decision-Relevant Climate Storylines from Object-Oriented Analysis - William GUTOWSKI and RIfS representative - Bruce HEWITSON
Material: Slides -
Lessons learned about the use of downscaled climate model results for practical use - Rasmus BENESTAD
Material: Slides -
Capacity development for climate science – CORDEX and the WCRP Academy - Christopher James LENNARD
Material: Slides -
Regional Climate Modeling in North America and Europe: Why such Different Paths? - Linda MEARNS
Material: Slides -
Panel discussion
Decision-Relevant Climate Storylines from Object-Oriented Analysis - William GUTOWSKI and RIfS representative - Bruce HEWITSON
- 15:30 Health break 30' ( SISSA )
Outcome and insights from Flagship Pilot Studies
1h0' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session chairs: Daniela Jacob and Silvina Solman Rapporteurs: Luis Muñoz and Ross Dixon
Poster session B and General
1h0' (
Leonardo building - main entrance level
B-P-01 Projected climate change signals for hotspot regions in southern Africa using regional climate simulations
Speaker: REMEDIO Armelle Reca Cabase -
B-P-02 Characterizing and understanding large-scale GCM-RCM inconsistencies in future projections : the European Summer case study
Speaker: SOMOT Samuel Material: Poster -
GEN-P-01 Heat and Drought in Observational and Modelled Data for Africa
Speaker: ABEL Daniel -
GEN-P-02 Impact of Amazon Deforestation on Temperature and Precipitation in Southern Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean through Regional Climate Simulations
Speaker: AMARO MENDEZ Oscar Uriel Material: Poster -
GEN-P-03 Future climate projections of cyclones in RegCM4.7 over South America and South Atlantic Ocean
Speaker: ANDRADE CARDOSO Andressa Material: Poster Video
GEN-P-04 A multi-scenario view of impacts on climate extremes and indices with a multi-variable ensemble of regional climate projections for Portugal
Speaker: ANDRE LIMA Daniela Catarina Material: Poster -
GEN-P-05 Land-atmosphere coupling during compound extreme heat events in the LUCAS experiment with extreme land use changes: a new coupling metric for climate extremes
Speaker: CARDOSO TAVARES Rita Margarida Material: Poster -
GEN-P-06 Simulating extreme temperatures over Central Africa by RegCM4.4 regional climate model
Speaker: DEMEKO YEMIH Patience Material: Poster Video
GEN-P-07 Projection of the Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity Affecting East Asia over the Western North Pacific Based on Multi-RegCM4 Simulations
Speaker: GAO Xuejie Material: Poster -
GEN-P-08 Development of Dynamical Downscaling Method for Regional Weather/Dispersion Model near Nuclear Power Plant
Speaker: LEE Hyunha -
GEN-P-09 Boundary layer schemes in the regional climate model RegCM4.6 over Central Africa.
Speaker: MATHO LONTIO Stella Lydie Material: Poster Video
GEN-P-10 Drought-related Impacts and the Role of Soil Moisture Feedback in Africa
Speaker: NGUYEN Ngoc Kim Material: Poster Video
GEN-P-11 Climate change and precipitation extremes over South Asia
Speaker: NORGATE Marc Material: Poster Video
GEN-P-12 Climate change impacts on growing rice season in the highland of Madagascar
Speaker: RANDRIAMAROLAZA Luc Yannick Andréas -
GEN-P-13 Sensitivity analysis of RegCM4.7 in simulating tropical cyclone characteristics over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia region
Speaker: TIBAY Jennifer Material: Poster Video
B-P-01 Projected climate change signals for hotspot regions in southern Africa using regional climate simulations
Evenings side events
2h0' (
Adriatico Guest House
Early Career Scientist event
Interactive onsite event for Early Career Scientists in Trieste. The challenges of data management and data sharing will be discussed in a type of trivial networking format. Senior scientists will attend and share their experience and the participants will be able to ask questions. Location: Adriatico Guesthouse Cafeteria Moderator: Lincoln Alves Rapporteurs: Peace Olumbukunmi Awoleye, Debasish Mahapatra, Rodric Merime Nonki, Henri Pinheiro, Luc Yannick Andreas Randriamarolaza and Xia Zhang Program: 18.00 Opening talk 18.15 Trivial network Confirmed senior scientists (can be subject to changes): – Jason Evans, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, Sydney, Australia – Eleni Katragkou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – Chris Lennard, CSAG – ENGEO Dept. University of Cape Town, South Africa – Rosmeri da Rocha, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil – Lincoln Alves, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil 19.30 Summary and wrap up Snacks, fingerfood and beverages will be served during the event.
Flagship Pilot Study: URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC)
Adriatico Guest house - Giambiagi Lecture Hall Contact person: Gaby Langendijk
Mediterranean CORDEX domain
Lundquist meeting room - Adriatico Guest house Contact person: Samuel Somot
North America CORDEX domain
Kastler Hall - Adriatico Guest house Contact person: Dominique Paquin
Early Career Scientist event
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
09:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 20:00
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
Parallel sessions C1 (SISSA - Aula Magna) and C2 (Leonardo building - Budinich Lecture Hall)
1h30' (
SISSA and Leonardo building
C1 - Societal Impacts
Session co-chairs: Natália Machado Crespo and Michelle Simões Reboita This session focuses on high impact regional phenomena and implications for urban areas, health, renewable energy, infrastructure (buildings and transport), disaster management, insurance issues, and land use and land cover change and management strategies (including agriculture and forestry). It also includes studies on the attribution of extremes and risk assessments and event-based downscaling at high resolution for process-based understanding of event drivers. Oral presentations Climate Response to Land-Use Changes over North America and Europe Olivier ASSELIN Margarida 17th of June 2017, an Extreme Fire Event in Pedrogão Grande, Central Portugal Rita CARDOSO TAVARES Impact of climate change in Mexican wine grape regions Blanca Natalia CASTILLO The Intersection of Climate and Renewable Energy Research: Successes and Limitations Andrea HAHMANN Climate change in Sweden with impacts for reindeer husbandry Erik KJELLSTROM Quantification and allocation of uncertainties of climate change impacts on hydropower potential under 1.50C and 2.00C Global Warming Levels in the the Benue River Basin, Cameroon Rodric Merime NONKI Checking the performance of Regional Climate models in determining Flooding at Basin Scale using Global Hydrodynamic model Hrishikesh SINGH Performance of CORDEX models in reproducing block-level meteorological droughts characteristics Sai Venkata Ramana MUTYALA
Material: Slides -
C2 - Natural ecosystem impacts
Session co-chairs: Tereza Cavazos Pérez and Marco Reale Climate change implications/risks for marine and terrestrial ecosystems, coastal environments, biodiversity and wildlife. Examples of how CORDEX/regional climate information have been or can be used in natural ecosystem impact studies. Oral presentations Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Flood and Drought: case study Awash River Basin, Ethiopia Ermias BRHANE Evaluation Of High-Resolution Climate Run Of Alaro-0 Over The CORDEX-Africa Domain Laura DECORTE The coupled physical-biogeochemical model SHYFEM-BFM for scenario analysis in the regulated Venice Lagoon system Donata MELAKU CANU Future wildfire conditions in Ukraine under the RCP 8.5 climate scenario Inna SEMENOVA Assessment of the regional climate model RegCM5 and atmospheric chemistry simulation over Africa Eric YAO Dynamical Downscaling of CMIP6 Models over the Med-CORDEX Region: An Application of ENEA-REG 2.0 to the Assessment of Expected Climate Change Impacts Maria Vittoria STRUGLIA Climatic and Anthropogenic Vulnerabilities of the Himalayan Ecosystem Pankaj KUMAR
Material: Slides
C1 - Societal Impacts
- 11:15 Health break 15' ( SISSA and Leonardo building )
C1 and C2 joint panel discussion
1h0' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Confirmed panellists: Lola CORRE Hailemariam DOKO Bart van den HURK Eleni KATRAGKOU Gaby LANGENDIJK Douglas MARAUN
Insights from Session B - Discussions
1h0' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs Daniela JACOB and Silvina SOLMAN
- 13:30 Lunch (Posters) 1h0' ( Leonardo building )
Parallel Sessions D - CORDEX in practice
1h0' (
Session D1 - CORDEX-Ocean: Towards a CORDEX framework for Ocean Regional Climate Modelling (online and Trieste)
Leonardo building - Oppenheimer room Conveners: Samuel Somot (Med-CORDEX), Marine Herrman (CORDEX South-East Asia), Markus Meier (EURO-CORDEX, Baltic Earth) and Tereza Cavazos (Central America CORDEX). 14.30-15.30 Introductory talks Introduction (5 min) Tereza CAVAZOS Dynamical downscaling of future ocean climate for Mexican coastlines, towards the evaluation of future species’ ranges and ecosystems shifts (5 min) Paulina CETINA HEREDIA Quantifying air-sea heat fluxes over Southeast Asia and their response to climate change (5 min) Hue NGUYEN Mercury fate and transport in the Mediterranean Sea: current state and projected changes under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios (5 min) Ginevra ROSATI Regional Climate System Modeling for the Baltic Sea region – an overview about Baltic Earth activities (10min) Markus MEIER Regional physical-biogeochemical coupled ocean modeling at the Gulf of Mexico (10 min) Sheila ESTRADA-ALLIS High-resolution studies of the South East Asia regional climate system with a focus on ocean (10 min) Marine HERRMANN Modelling the Sea in Med-CORDEX: a review (10 min) Samuel SOMOT
Material: Slides -
Session D2- Regional Climate Modelling in the Polar Regions: Applications and the road ahead (online and Trieste)
Galileo Guest house - Fibonacci Lecture room Conveners: Priscilla A. Mooney, Annette Rinke and John Cassano The main aim of this session is to assess the latest advances in the development and applications of regional climate models and climate projections for the Polar Regions. Results of this session could inform future research efforts in this area. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session that focus on the development of polar climate models and application of high-resolution climate modelling over the Polar Regions. This session also welcomes contributions from global modeling, statistical downscaling methods and impact assessments. Oskar Landgren (Met Norway), Developing km-scale climate projections for impact studies over Svalbard. Priscilla A. Mooney (NORCE and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research), Developing future climate projections for impact studies in the polar regions Annette Rinke (AWI), New Polar CORDEX model intercomparison initiative related to MOSAiC. Jan Landwehrs (AWI), Arctic Climate Simulations with the ICON Model – Comparison with Reanalyses and Observations, with a Focus on Intrusion Events. Heidrun Matthes (AWI), Developing Climate Information for Arctic reindeer herding communities. Andrew Orr (UKRI-BAS), Characteristics of surface “melt potential” over Antarctic ice shelves.
Material: Slides -
Session D 3- Discussion session: Climate projections for islands (online and Trieste)
Leonardo building - Stasi Lecture Hall Conveners: Jason Evans (CCRC), Tannecia Stephenson (UWI), Marcus Thatcher (CSIRO), Christophe Menkes (ENTROPIE, IRD, CNRS), Matthieu Lengaigne (MARBEC, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, Ifremer, IRD, Sète, France), Ali Belmadani (ENM & CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS, Toulouse, France). The aim of this session is to gather members of the CORDEX and broader regional climate modelling community interested in simulating the climate of islands. The session will present past and ongoing efforts to downscale climate projections over islands, discuss the major challenges facing the production of such projections, and propose a way forward that may include a Flagship Pilot Study focused on downscaling over islands. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to this session. Jason Evans Welcome/Introduction Marie Leroux (online) Producing climate services in the Southwest Indian Ocean from CMIP6 Downscaled Data Abhnil Prasad (online) Future Precipitation Extremes in the Small Pacific Islands Ali Bel Madani Downscaling climate projections over small islands and territories : The cases of French West Indies and French Guiana Misnawati Misnawati Assessing Rice Yield Change based on CORDEX-Southeast Asia simulations in Sumatra Vishnu Sasidharan Nair CLIPSSA: High-Resolution Island Scale Climate Simulation for Improved Adaptation Strategies in the Southwest Pacific Region
Material: Slides -
Session D4 - Climate services for transformation using CORDEX datasets: best practices using FAIR principles and innovative tools (online and Trieste)
SISSA - room B
Session D6 - High resolution urban climate modeling and regional climate change – progress and challenges for CORDEX (online and Trieste)
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session D7 - Training on how to compare bias-corrected Regional Climate Models (RCMs) with Empirical Statistical Downscaling (ESD) for robust future climate change projections, exploring tools/products (online and Trieste)
Leonardo - Budinich Lecture Hall
Session D8: Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling (online and Pune)
Session D9 - Aerosol impact on regional climate (online and Trieste)
SISSA - room D
Session D10 - Concepts and identification of global warming levels (GWLs) for regional climate services (online and Trieste)
SISSA - room A
Session D1 - CORDEX-Ocean: Towards a CORDEX framework for Ocean Regional Climate Modelling (online and Trieste)
- 15:30 Health break 30' ( SISSA and Leonardo building )
Continuation of Session D - Parallel sessions
1h0' (
see above
Poster session C and D
1h0' (
Leonardo Building
C1-P-02 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Heat and Discomfort Indices Changes over Nigeria
Speaker: AJAYI Vincent Olanrewaju -
C1-P-03 Present and future meteorological droughts in CORDEX-CAM with RegCM4.7
Speaker: ANDRADE GOMEZ Luisa Material: Poster Video
C1-P-04 The FPS in Southeastern South America: actionable regional climate information for hydrological and agricultural sectors
Speaker: BETTOLLI Maria Laura Material: Poster -
C1-P-05 Projected hydrological changes for agricultural risk assessment over southern Africa in a warmer world
Speaker: BISKOP Sophie Material: Poster -
C1-P-06 SSP-RCP scenario-based future land use change projection over Ethiopia
Speaker: BRHANE Ermias Sisay Material: Poster -
C1-P-07 Quantifying the Impacts of land cover change on hydrological responses under SSP-RCP Scenario
Speaker: BRHANE Ermias Sisay Material: Poster -
C1-P-08 Impact of climate change in Mexican winegrape regions
Speaker: CAVAZOS PÉREZ María Tereza -
C1-P-09 Present and future meteorological droughts in CORDEX-CAM with RegCM4.7
Speaker: CAVAZOS PÉREZ María Tereza Material: Poster Video
C1-P-10 Storylines to synthetize the range of future plausible climates over France for hydrological studies
Speaker: CORRE Lola Marion Material: Poster -
C1-P-11 Projected changes in precipitation, temperature and their extremes over tropical South America through the RegCM4
Speaker: DA SILVA Maria Material: Poster Video
C1-P-12 Integrating regional climate models in flood modeling to quantify human health risks from contaminated urban floodwaters
Speaker: DEOPA Rahul Material: Poster -
C1-P-13 Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Afar Region, Ethiopia
Speaker: DOKO Hailemariam Mengistu Material: Poster -
C1-P-14 Unprecedented compound hot and dry events in Europe under different emission scenarios
Speaker: DOSIO Alessandro Material: Poster Video
C1-P-15 Hydrological modeling of the Uruguay River with actionable climate information from statistical and dynamical downscaling
Speaker: DOYLE Moira Evelina Material: Poster -
C1-P-16 Providing unbiased high resolution extremes precipitations for sectorial custumers: test of differents corrections methods
Speaker: DUBOIS Clotilde -
C1-P-17 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Cereal Suitability in West Africa using CORDEX-CORE Models
Speaker: EGBEBIYI Temitope Samuel Material: Poster -
C1-P-18 Climate scenarios for Angola from CORDEX AFR22 simulations
Speaker: GASPAR António Manuel Lameira Material: Poster Video
C1-P-19 Medium-term and long-term changes in the Extreme Precipitation Indices in Colombia, using the CORDEX- RCM SAM-20-CCCma-CanESM2-Eta
Speaker: GIRALDO OSORIO Juan Diego Material: Poster Video
C1-P-20 Impact of Climate Change on solar resource: a review of projections comparing global and regional climate models
C1-P-21 Project FOCI - Non-CO2 Forcers and Their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts
Speaker: HALENKA Tomas -
C1-P-22 Machine learning models reveal reductions in land surface temperature associated with forest management in Fennoscandia
Speaker: HUANG Bo Material: Poster Video
C1-P-23 Expected climate changes in Croatia by the middle of the 21st century
Speaker: IVUŠIĆ Sarah Material: Poster -
C1-P-24 Uncertainties in the projections of the extreme precipitation events over East Asia
Speaker: JUZBASIC Ana Material: Poster Video
C1-P-25 Development of agro-climatic indicators and services over Europe in the framework of the STARGATE project
Speaker: KATRAGKOU Eleni Material: Poster Video
C1-P-26 Future Projection of Precipitation over the Korean Peninsula under Global Warming Levels of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C, Using Large Ensemble of RCMs in CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2
Speaker: KIM Dohyun Material: Poster Video
C1-P-27 Future Changes in Extreme Heatwaves over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Domain under RCP and SCP Scenarios
Speaker: KIM Young-Hyun Material: Poster Video
C1-P-28 Heat in cities across the globe: what can the CORDEX-CORE regional climate model ensemble tell?
Speaker: LANGENDIJK Gaby Material: Poster -
C1-P-29 Three-dimensional characteristics of heat waves in CORDEX RCMs
Speaker: LHOTKA Ondrej Material: Poster Video
C1-P-30 Attribution of Extreme Precipitation Events in The Mediterranean Region Using High-Resolution COREX Ensemble
Speaker: LU Chen Material: Poster Video
C1-P-31 A reference set of bias-corrected regional projections for hydrological impact studies over France
Speaker: MARSON Paola Material: Poster -
C1-P-32 Projected Changes in Extreme River-Flow in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Speaker: MCCAULEY Olivia Material: Poster -
C1-P-33 Novel tools for model evaluation from the Big Data and Climate FRONTIER project
Speaker: MOONEY Priscilla Material: Poster -
C1-P-34 Quantifying the climate change and its impacts on wheat productivity for decision-making support in Egypt
Speaker: MOSTAFA Amira Material: Poster -
C1-P-35 Projected changes in the frequency of compound events over tropical Brazil in CORDEX-CORE simulations
Speaker: MUNIZ ALVES Lincoln Material: Poster -
C1-P-36 Analysis of Climate Indices in Climate Change Scenarios Applying Spatial Data Correction, the case of Guayas Province, Ecuador
Speaker: MUÑOZ PABÓN Luis Eduardo Material: Poster -
C1-P-37 High-resolution climate projections to support adaptation planning in the Mashreq region
Speaker: NIKULIN Grigory Material: Poster -
C1-P-38 Heat Wave Increase Based on EURO-CORDEX Scenario Simulations in Metropolitan Cities of Türkiye
Speaker: ONOL Baris Material: Poster -
C1-P-39 Future changes in extreme rainfall events on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica, Central America, based on CORDEX-CORE models
Speaker: OROZCO MONTOYA Ricardo Alonso Material: Poster -
C1-P-40 Construction of regionalized scenarios for simulations of the urban area and buildings: present and future climate in the RCP8.5 scenario
Speaker: PEREIRA NUNES Ana Maria Material: Poster -
C1-P-41 Future Projections of extreme events over Central Asia in CORDEX-CORE Simulations
Speaker: RAI Praveen Kumar Material: Poster -
C1-P-42 Biophysical impacts of land use changes on the local and regional climate – Results and lessons learnt from the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study LUCAS
Speaker: RECHID Diana Material: Poster -
C1-P-43 Uncertain water resources under global change – Assessing water use-climate feedbacks in the UWaRes project
Speaker: SCHMITT Amelie Material: Poster -
C1-P-44 The extreme future of soil moisture in a Mediterranean country: the Portuguese case
Speaker: SOARES Pedro Miguel Matos -
C1-P-45 -How the risk of heat waves will change in the future decades in Croatian cities?
Speaker: SRNEC Lidija Material: Poster -
C1-P-46 Regional Climate Data for Use in Advancing Successful and Equitable Decarbonization of the US Electric Power and Residential Sectors
Speaker: STEINER Allison -
C1-P-47 The frequency of extreme temperatures and summer heat waves in Belarus
Speaker: SUMAK Katsiaryna Material: Poster Video
C1-P-48 Fidelity of RCMs in Quantification of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk- An exhaustive approach over severely flood-prone coastal catchment
Speaker: THAKUR Dev Anand -
C1-P-49 Forcasting atmospheric variables with RegCM4.7 for the optimal operation of uruguayan energy system
Speaker: UNGEROVICH YABES Matilde Esther Material: Poster Video
C1-P-50 Past and future precipitable water vapor and extreme precipitation over Ethiopia based on CORDEX
Speaker: VAN SCHAEYBROECK Bert Material: Poster -
C1-P-51 Provision of climate change information on rainy season indicators for the agricultural sector in Burkina Faso
Speaker: WEBER Torsten Material: Poster -
C1-P-52 Evaluation of the Impacts of Climate Change on Irrigation Requirements of Maize by CROPWAT Model
Speaker: YETIK Ali Kaan Material: Poster Video
C1-P-53 Hot Spots of Global Temperature of Emergence of several Climatic Impact-Drivers (CIDs) for the CORDEX regions
Speaker: ZAZULIE Natalia Material: Poster -
C2-P-01 TinyML-Based Flood Disaster Prediction and Early Warning System for Awash River Basin
Speaker: ALI Endris Mohammed -
C2-P-02 Climate Change Impact and its Mitigation Assessment the Case of Afar Water Spreading Weirs, Ethiopia
Speaker: DOKO Hailemariam Mengistu Material: Poster -
C2-P-03 Influence of climate forcing agents on the regional hydrological cycle trends in a changing climate
Speaker: JAISANKAR Bharath Material: Poster Video
Speaker: STRUGLIA Maria Vittoria -
C2-P-05 Future conditions of wind and rain associated with fall wildfire conditions in CMIP6 models over western North America
Speaker: TAYLOR Graham Patrick Material: Poster Video
D3-P-01 Impacts of ocean-atmosphere coupling on precipitation in small islands: a case study of the Cape Verde archipelago
Speaker: AMADOU MALAM LACHO Almoustapha Material: Poster Video
D3-P-02 Ensemble of numerical models for rainfall and temperature estimation in Bolivia using RegCM 4.7
Speaker: ANDRADE UZIEDA Marko Jorge Material: Poster -
D4-P-01 Development of Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services in Ukraine
Speaker: OVCHARUK Valeriya Material: Poster -
D4-P-02 EURO-CORDEX data in the climate services of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
Speaker: SCHUCHNÉ BÁN Beatrix Material: Poster -
D6-P-01 Sensitivity of WRF simulation of PBL dynamics and UHI characteristics to the choice of physics, urban schemes and land surface database during two heat waves of summer 2022 over Paris area: comparison with PANAME* observations
Speaker: BASTIN Sophie Francoise -
D6-P-02 Decomposition of the future changes in UTCI using regional climate projections for German cities
Speaker: CASTRO GARRO Dante Tomas Material: Poster -
D6-P-03 Representation of the Urban Heat Island in CORDEX-CORE: A global multi-city analysis from the CORDEX FPS URB-RCC
D6-P-04 Projection of photovoltaic potential based on high-resolution SSP scenarios over South Korea
Speaker: KIM Jinuk Material: Poster -
D6-P-05 Evaluation framework for high-resolution regional climate simulations for urban studies
Speaker: LE ROY Benjamin Material: Poster poster jpg
D6-P-06 Development of a High-Resolution Gridded Climate Dataset for Vietnam by blending ERA5-Land and in-situ data in the period 1981-2019
Speaker: NGUYEN Ngoc Kim Material: Poster Video
D6-P-07 Towards an improved representation of the urban climate: an application of artificial intelligence
Speaker: SOARES Pedro Miguel Matos Material: Poster
C1-P-02 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Heat and Discomfort Indices Changes over Nigeria
Evening side events
2h0' (
Adriatico Guest House
Flagship Pilot Study: Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales
Giambiagi Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house Contact person: Diana Rechid
Flagship Pilot Study: Extreme precipitation events in Southeastern South America a proposal for a better understanding and modeling and the South America community
Kastler Lecture Hall - Adriatico Guest house Contact person: Maria Laura Bettolli
Flagship Pilot Study: Impact of land use changes on climate in Europe across spatial and temporal scales
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
09:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 18:00
Registration and morning coffee (SISSA building)
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
Last day session - Insights from sessions C and D - The Future of CORDEX
2h30' (
SISSA - Aula Magna
Session co-chairs Daniela JACOB and Silvina SOLMAN
Create your future workshop (Adriatico Guest house)
2h0' (
Adriatico Guest House - Kastler Lecture Hall
Session chairs Iréne LAKE, Sophia KARK, Lindha NILSSON
CORDEX-SAT meeting
4h0' (
Leonardo Building - Oppenheimer Meeting Room
Registration and morning coffee (SISSA building)
30' (
SISSA Building
Main Auditorium
09:00 - 18:00